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It was a nice saturday afternoon, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining.  This is the time of day where everyone's in a good mood.  Except for one blonde curly haired teen, who's currently down in her room with the lights turned off and the curtains closed.

"Noooooo!" Mackenzie yelled, screaming at the computer screen.  "This can't be happening, $@#% !"

Since today is the only day that she had no chores and around the time where the little shits (her sister's) are put to sleep, she thought she could finally catch up on Season 2 of Kuroko's Basketball.  She was in the middle of watching the last episode when all of a sudden a "No internet connection" sign popped up and closed her window, which then caused her to go ape shit.

"Why?  Why now of all times?!?" This has been happening a lot lately and she's finally had it.  She walked up the stairs and down the hall, ready to give her mom a piece of her mind.

"Oh hey kenz, I was just about to go find you."  her mother said cheerily as she walked over to her daughter.  "I know the internet has not been working well lately so I talked with your father and we decided to get a new router."

"Yes!  Wait, when is it gonna be installed?" Mackenzie asked.

"Next month"

"Uhhhh, just my luck, I can't wait that long!" She groaned, palm slapping her forehead.

Her mother just rolled her eyes.  "Quit acting like it's the end of the world.  You know what I used to do when I was your age?  I would go outside like a normal person.  Take a walk, go see friends, smell the roses!"

"You know not everyone likes to go outside Mom, some people are introverts and would rather be inside instead," she deadpanned.

"I would suggest hanging out with your friends but now I'm starting to wonder, do you even have any friends?  You never bring anybody over"

Mackenzie rolled her eyes and crosses her arms. "Yes I do have friends for your information but right now I have more important things to do than hang out with them."

Her Mom raises her brow.  "Like what kind of things?"

"Uh..just..stuff okay?  Anyways I'm going back to my room." She scurries off to her room.

"Uh, this sucks" She complained, laying on her bed with her arms and legs spread out. "I wish there was some miracle that could magically give me the internet back so I could finish watching Kuroko's Basketball.  But lets get real here, that's impossible."

"What if I told you that it is possible?"  a voice suddenly said.

"Gah!" Mackenzie yelled, sitting up with surprise.  "What the hell?  Who are you?"

"Let's just say that I'm a magical being that has come to grant you your wish."

 "Oh god, have I been smoking crack without me knowing it?"

"No, you have not."

"What's your name?"

"Tch, so many questions.  Knowing my name is irrelevent."

"Well, I need something to call you by."

"Fine, I go by the name Brain"

"Okay Brain, did you say that you could give me my internet back?" Mackenzie asked excitedly.

"Yes, I did, in fact I'll do you one better.  How about I transport you to the show?" asked Brain.

"That would be awesome!" she said "But first, let me grab a few things."  She jumped up from the bed and ran to her closet.  After she was done, she grabbed her sweater and slipped it on.  "Okay, I'm ready!"

"Alright then, before we go, there are some things I must tell you.  When you get there you're on your own, so I expect you to get yourself out of sticky situations."  A black choker with a red pearl materialized on her neck. "When you want to go back home, just press that red pearl on your choker.  You can always come back to that world anytime you want, so when you leave, it won't be the last time you come there."

Mackenzie nodded her head, understanding. "Okay"

"Oh, and one last thing" said Brain "You are free to choose whichever school to enroll in."

"Yay!!!!!" she squealed "I want to go to Kaijou!"

"Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

As soon as she said that, she dissapeared.

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