I'm Midorima's Lucky Item? Hell Yeah!

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A/N: For future reference I won't be describing any of the basketball matches only because I'm not good at explaining them. I actually mostly forgot the rules of basketball, I only know a little bit.

After an hour of snapping Kasamatsu out of his mental breakdown, Mackenzie finally left the school grounds. To her surprise, when she reached the front of the school gates she found Takao and Midorima standing there with the rickshaw.

"Midorima, Takao what are you doing here?" she asked them and noticed that Midorima wasn't holding any foreign object in his hand, she frowned. "Midorima, where's your lucky item?"

"That's what he wanted to talk to you about." Takao said and glanced at Midorima.

"Oha Asa said that today's lucky item is someone with the sign of Capricorn, Nanodayo. The only Capricorn I know is you so for today you're my lucky item Nanodayo," he stated.

"Really!? This is like a dream come true, I'm Midorima's Lucky Item!" She could also tell from his tone that he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Sure, I'll do it."

Midorima was shocked that she agreed to it so quickly. Normally, someone would refuse or be really suspicious. He felt relieved that he didn't have to go through the trouble of begging her.

He didn't realize that he was still staring at her until Takao cleared his throat. "Now that that's out of the way, we should get going Shin-Chan."

He pushed his glasses up his nose and turned away, attempting to cover up the fact that he was staring at her like a creep. "Well let's get going then Nanodayo." He climbed in.

"Right," Mackenzie said and climbed in after him.

Time Skip:

"Where are we going exactly?" She asked on the way.

"To our high school's gym," answered Takao.

"Why are we going there?"

"We have a game today Nanodayo," Midorima replied.

They stopped in front of the Gym and walked in. "Hey, we're here!" Takao called out to his team.

They all stopped what they were doing and faced them. The team captain Otsubo crossed his arms and glared at them. "You guys are late, what took you so long?"

But before they could answer, the small forward Miyaji said, "Who's that girl behind you? Were you picking up chicks this whole time!? Kimura, hand me a pineapple so I can hit them with it!"

Midorima sputtered, a rosy tint to his cheeks, "O-of course not! I would never- She's just my lucky item for today Nanodayo! " He adjusted his glasses.

Takao tried to hold in his laughter, wishing he had a camera because this is one of those rare moments where he sees Midorima really, and truly flustered.

"How can a person be a lucky item!?" yelled Miyaji.

Otsubo sighed, "Midorima, it's one thing to have an item but it's another-"

"It's fine," interrupted the Coach.

"Coach, what are you-?"

"I said it's fine, as long as he keeps scoring, I don't care what he does."

The rest of the team nodded, discussion over.

"I still don't know who she is," Miyaji said.

"My name is Mackenzie, it's nice to meet you." She bowed to him.

"Alright, now that introductions are over, everyone can get back to work," said Otsubo.

Midorima grabbed her wrist and pulled her over to sit on the bench. He straightened the wrinkles on her clothes and any other imperfections. Finally satisfied with his work, he ceased his movements. "You just sit there and don't move, I want my lucky items in top pristine condition Nanodayo."

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