I'm friends with Kise? Hell Yeah!

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Kaijou high school was a very nice school, it was neither strict nor was it unruly. It was just right, or that's about as much as Mackenzie knew. But ever since that stampede of girls ran her over, she was seriously reconsidering her knowledge of this school; who can't even keep their own students in check.

"I won't let that happen again. This time, I'm prepared," she thought as she stared out the window of her new classroom. "I hope I'm in a class with Kise, that would be awesome."

After what seemed like forever, the bell finally rung signaling that class was over. She gathered her things and walked out of the classroom. "Finally, lunchtime! Maybe they have that sandwhich that the Seiren basketball team gets every year." With that in mind, she headed down to where they sell sandwhich's.

Sure enough, they were selling them, but just like Seiren, there was a huge crowd of people or as Kagami would call it, 'A Japanese lunch time rush!'.

"How in the hell am I supposed to get through this? I obviously don't have Kuroko's invisibility so that is out of the question. There must be something......" she looked around and noticed that almost 95% of the people consisted of girls. "I've got it!"

She looked through her bag and pulled out her special Kise Ryouta album. "I hate to do this but I really need that sandwich." She put her fingers in her mouth and let out a loud whistle through them, catching the girls attention.

"Hey ladies, you want this?" she waved the album in their faces and their eyes followed it, like they're hypnotized.

Mackenzie kissed the album goodbye and chucked it as far as it could go. As soon as she threw it the girls ran after it like wildfire.

She walked through the almost empty crowd of people and bought the sandwich. "I did say I was prepared, but I never thought I had to use that."

Time skip

Mackenzie let out a sigh, relieved that school was over and sad that she didn't see Kise. "Oh well, maybe I'll see him tomorrow."

All of a sudden, the same group of girls that ran her over appeared. When they spotted her they came over and said, "Have you seen Kise come by here?"

She looked to her right and spotted him, peeking from the bush he was hiding in. Once they made eye contact he put a finger to his lips and winked, playfully gesturing to her to not say anything.

She gave a little nod to him. "Oh, yes! He went that way!" she told them, pointing far away from where they were.

"Thanks!" they yelled as they ran in that direction.

Kise popped out of his hiding spot once the girls were out of sight. "Wow, that was a close one. Thanks for saving me by the way. I've never seen you before, what's your name?"

"Mackenzie, I'm new here."

"Well Mackenzie, as repayment for saving me, you can have anything you'd like."

She thought about it for a second. "Hmmm.... how about we become friends?"

"What? That's all? Are you sure you don't want anything else?"

She was about to refuse but she suddenly remembered something. "Can you also give me one of your special photo albums? I kind've lost mine (more like I gave it away)."

"Sure, Mackenziechii!" he flashed her one of his dazzling smiles.

"Holy pacifc rim job! He added 'chii' to my name!" she mentally fangirled.

"I better go, senpai will hit me if I'm late. It was nice meeting you Mackenziechii!" He said, starting to walk away.



"Can you give me the directions to Akashi's house?"

"Sure, you know Akashichii?"

"Yeah, I'm...uh...an aquantince of his!"

Time Skip

The Akashi house sure lived up to it's name. It was a big mansion with a beautiful garden and with most likely tons of servants.

"I know I'm acting like a stalker but I really wanted to see his house." she thought, looking through one of the window's. Sadly, it was pitch black so she couldn't see a thing.

"What are you doing?" a
voice suddenly asked behind her.

Her body froze and she slowly turned around to meet a pair of heterochromatic eyes that belonged to none other than Akashi Seijirou.

Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to update, I had writer's block. Thanks for reading my story!

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