Locker Room Creeper

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Mackenzie stood at the front of the door, waiting for something or someone.

"May I ask why you're standing there?" Akashi asked her.

She gave one glance in his direction. "I'm waiting for someone," she answered then went back to staring out the window.


"Oh, he's here!" She exclaimed then opened the door. "Hey Murasakibara, what's up?"

"Atsushi, what are you doing here?" Akashi asked.

"I'm here to see Kenzie-chin, shall we go?" Murasakibara asked her.

"Sure!" she proceeded to follow after him but a hand grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"To school of course, Murasakibara's taking me."

"Don't you want to ride in the car with me?"

"No thanks I already got a ride," she told him as she walked to Murasakibara and jumped on his back. "See you later Akashi, onward Murasakibara." He nodded his head and said, "See you later Aka-chin." With that they left.

Akashi just stood there, confuzzled. "What- just how-? Never mind." He shook his head and walked back inside.

Time Skip:

"Alright, now I totally feel bad ass," Mackenzie thought as she slipped on her red aviator glasses.

"Okay, here's my stop." She pointed to the school gates. "Thanks for the ride Murasakibara, here." She handed him a bag of chips.

"Anytime Kenzie-chin, thanks for the snack." He ruffled her hair and walked away with a chip in his mouth.

She looked around to make sure no fan girls were running around. "Thank goodness they're not here." She sighed in relief and walked through the doors.

Later in the Gym:

After doing her water duties Mackenzie sat down on the bench and started writing her thesis paper.

"Hey Mackenziechii, what are you doing?" Kise asked her.

"Oh, I'm writing down my thesis paper for Science class." she answered without looking up at him.

"Isn't that due today?"

"Yeah, I got distracted with so many things that I forgot to write it down."

Before Kise could say anything more, Kasamatsu called him over. "Oi Kise, come over here!"

"Well, gotta go." Kise said to her and walked away.

While Kasamatsu and the rest of the team were talking Mackenzie finally finished writing her thesis. "Alright, finished!"

"Mackenzie, we need more drinks," one of the players called.

"Coming!" She set her paper down next to some of the guys stuff and walked over.

"Alright guys, we're done for the day," said the coach.

The guys picked up their stuff and headed to the locker rooms. Mackenzie walked over to grab her things, everything was there except for her thesis paper. "Now where did I put that- oh no, it can't be..." She started looking around frantically. "One of the guys probably grabbed my thesis paper on accident. I'll just get it tommorow- wait, it's due today, but I don't want to go in there." She stood there in denial for a few minutes but finally, she sighed and accepted the fact that she's gonna have to go in there to get it.

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