" Yes, Mam," Robin said.

" If not, we've decided to send you to Happy Camp," Dad informed.

" Happy Camp?" Alice asked.

" Where troubled children go learn how to be happy," Dad answered.

" Through happy music and happy dance," Mom added.

" Just kill me now!" Robin groaned before walking away.

" And you Alice," Mom began. " I better hear good reports from you, and how you and Barbara are not in the back of the class gossiping all the time." They soon entered the building and Alice saw Barabra heading toward the bathroom.  " Mam, I am going to go wee." She then walked away and went into the girl's bathroom. They then came back into the room to talk. 

" There's your family with Perkins," Barbara said.

" And there's yours right behind mine," Alice said; they then suddenly felt a draft. The doors opened, rock music started playing, and the lights started to dance a little; they glanced the see the Dracula family in the building. Everyone looked over at them.

" Cooee! Mr. Count!" Mum called out.

" Cooee," Count waved at her and the lights turned back on. Alice saw Chloe go talk to Robin before marching over to Alice.

" Can I borrow my sister?" Chloe requested.

" Talk to you later Barb," Alice said before they walked away.

" We need to stay on high alert," Chloe informed.

" I know," Alice said, " Now Count is in the building, we got to make sure Van Dork does not find out." They went to Van Helsing's room shop room. They listened to Jonathan talked to his dad about bringing the Count. They then heard footsteps coming towards the door, Chloe went to the other side of the hallway to tie her shoe.

" Can you tie it any faster?" Alice asked when Jonathan walked out of the room.

" Hi," Jonathan greeted the two.

" Hi," the two greeted him.

" Jono, would you mind meeting me at the library later to study?" Alice asked.

" You want me to study with you?" Jonathan asked excitedly.

" See you later?" Alice asked.

" Of course!" Jonathan asked before he walked away.

" What do we do now?" Chloe asked.

" Tell Vlad and Ingrid," Alice answered. They ran in to see Ingrid and Vlad with the note from Van Helsing,

" Vlad!" Alice breathed as they ran up to them. " Van Helsing is up to something."

" Your dad is in real danger," Chloe ordered.

" Chill out," Ingrid ordered. " Dad's right here with...Dad?" They saw that Count was nowhere to be seen.

" Dad?" Vlad asked as they looked around the room. They soon ran out of the room and down the woodshop room.

" I can't believe Robin!" Vlad exclaimed. " Dad's about to have a one-on-one with a vampire slayer and where is he?"

" Don't worry, he'll have plenty of time to regret it in Happy Camp," Alice said when they reached the door. They opened it to see nobody in the room; they all stepped back into the hallway.

" Great, now what do we do?" Ingrid demanded. They then heard growling from the chess club across the hall.

" What was that?" Chloe asked frightened.

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