Chapter 13: Training Day

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*I'm still trying to try and incorporate soundtracks in this story, so I'm sorry if I just do it randomly. I didn't think I'd do this, but Under Night's soundtrack is just SO DAMN GOOD! One Minute Melee's too! I heard "End of Dawn" earlier today, and I'm in love! It's catchy, it's up beat, and the short scene with Hyde and Seth fighting! Just, OH MY GOD! Right up there with "Unknown Actor"!*

Hyde let out a yawn as he practically dragged his feet to the training room. Despite having permission to mess with his uniform, there was just something about his old Kanzakai uniform. After all, he wore it almost all the time, even after class. Still, he knew it wouldn't last forever. He would eventually outgrow his uniform. He supposed that the shopping trip he and his friends talked about the previous day wasn't such a bad idea. They'd still to pick a date though.

Ruby: Hey, Hyde!

He turned to face his friend Ruby, dressed in her usual cloak. She seemed a lot more peppy compared to his own tired expression. Regardless, he did his best to return the smile on her face with his own.

Hyde: Hey, Rubes. What are you doing up this early?

Ruby: We told you, my team and I are going to town and greet the Vytal Festival participants that are arriving from Vacuo. You wanna come with us?

Oh, how he so desperately wanted to say yes. But he knew Yuzu and Seth would have his head if he tried to ditch. Throwing away the idea, he yawned into his closed fist.

Hyde: Sorry, Ruby, but I can't. My teammates want to help me improve my fighting capabilities, so they arranged a schedule for me today. I mean, Seth woke me up with a whistle! Like, what kind of asshole would do that?!

For reasons Hyde could not understand, Ruby suddenly began to avoid making eye contact and whistle a tune that said "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ruby: I don't know...A-anyway, moving on! You sure you can't just call it off?

Hyde: No. Even if I wanted to, they have a point. I'm not a very experienced fighter, at least compared to you guys. I can't afford to get left in the dust...

Ruby: Oh, okay...Well, good luck with your training! I'll see you later!

With that, she ran off to catch up with her team. Without any further distractions (sadly), he made his way to his location.

*Training Room*

Wanting to make sure the others (especially Seth) know just how grumpy he was feeling, he decided to enter by kicking the door open.

Orie: Hello, Hyde. You took longer than expected. Did you get lost or something? We've been here for a few months, you should be familiar with the facility.

Hyde: Met up with Ruby on the way.

Seth: Anyway, you're already aware why you're here.

Hyde: You wanted to ruin my Saturday.

No reaction. Damn, he was good. If Hyde didn't know any better, he would have assumed Seth was secretly an Autonomic Nerve.

Seth: I've been gathering whatever information possible these past few weeks. There hasn't been a single 'Night' these last few months. There are no Voids either. As of right now, we have no method of returning back to Earth, or even a lead.

Seth didn't need to look at his teammates to know that they weren't happy with the news.

Hyde: Wait, aren't there cameras here?

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