Side Chapter: Linne's Sorrow

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Linne continued to glare at the figure who had identified himself as her brother. She had hoped to never see him again, yet here he was, with that damned look on his face. This was Kuon, one of the only Re-Births in existence, the first wielder of the Insulator and the one responsible for her immortality.

Kuon: What's with the glare, sister? Are you not grateful that I let you down from that tree?

Linne: I have nothing to thank you for, Kuon.

Kuon: Oh really now? You never were one to express your gratitude so openly.

Linne simply clenched her fists as her glare intensified. Now, she considered herself a calm and patient person. There were very few individuals who could manage to get under her skin. But Kuon was DEFINITELY one of them.

Linne: I don't have a single reason to be grateful, you bastard! Not after what you did!

Kuon remained calm, a quirk after living for almost a century. He failed to see the reason in her anger. Because of him, she was immortal. Because of him, she was as strong as she is now. Because of him, Waldstein, her loyal ally, is alive today. 

Kuon: Oh? And what of your immortality? What of the current power you possess? You think I wanted to obtain this power and leave you to die? I did it for you to be at my side, dear sister. And yet you run to avoid me? Whatever reason could yo-?


Kuon actually showed small signs of genuine surprise, even slightly more so when he saw the tears in her eyes.

Linne: Do you know for how long I've had to live with this guilt?! Every time I go to a new body, I kill the girl who originally owned it! It might not matter to a heartless monster like you, but it sure as hell mattered to me! I memorized the names of every single girl who's body I possessed, their birthdays, the hopes and dreams that they had for their futures, every single detail! But they never got to achieve their dreams, instead they end up dying! All because of this immortality YOU put on me! Because I can't control it! Sure, not all of them were good people, but they sure as hell didn't deserve this! It was even worse when I tried killing myself! The bodies that I've stolen, becoming nothing but bloody corpses! All of my efforts to end this endless cycle of murder and guilt, a cycle that no one should suffer, were completely fruitless!  And it's all because of you! And now, I find this boy who makes me feel special and has the only thing that can kill me in his possession, which is your stupid sword! Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to ask him to take my life?! Do you know how much sadness and shock I saw in his eyes?! No, you don't! And you never will! Because all you care about anymore is your stupid power and your stupid immortality!!! What happened to the Kuon I used to know?! What happened to the man who showed kindness and chivalry to both allies and enemies?! What happened to the noble warrior who saved Waldstein from becoming a Void?! What happened to my dear brother, who I loved?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, KUON?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!?!

She started to break down, unable to hold it in anymore. All those centuries of holding it in, breaking down in an instant. What stood before Kuon was not the Princess of the Night Blade, but a girl who has suffered too much for too long. Even her voice, always full of monotone confidence, cracked due to the overwhelming sadness. For a moment, Kuon's face showed actual emotion at seeing his sister in like this.

Kuon: Linne...I...

Linne: And now...Hyde and Seth...Orie and Yuzuriha...they're dead! DEAD! KIND HEARTED PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE INVOLVED IN THIS!!! HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE MUST DIE BECAUSE OF ME UNTIL I FINALLY DIE?!?! HOW MUCH MORE BLOOD IS GOING TO STAIN MY HANDS?!?! *falls on her knees* I just want it to end...I just want to die...

???: So this is where you were, Princess.

Linne and Kuon turned to see Waldstein walking towards them. Without a second thought, Linne rushed toward him and tackled him into a hug, holding on to him and crying like a child who had finally reunited with their parents.

Linne: Wald...d-don't ever m-make me worry like t-that again...! Y-you stupid idiot...!

Waldstein's face softened as he looked down at the fragile child in front of him. He gently pat her back with one of his claws in an attempt of comfort. 

Waldstein: I did not mean to worry you, Princess. I had encountered a few tough opponents and I simply couldn't help myself.

Linne: W-Wald...Hyde is d-dead...

No one said anything as the girl continued to drown in her sorrow. It kept going for several minutes, until Linne fell asleep from all the crying. Waldstein gently picked her up in his arms before looking at Kuon. Neither showed any emotion, not after what just happened. Waldstein owed Kuon a great debt, there was no denying that. If it weren't for him, he would be a mindless Void. But right now, that debt did nothing to soften what he currently felt.

Waldstein: Kuon, it has been a while.

Kuon: Indeed it has, Waldstein.

Waldstein: If you have nothing else to say, then I shall take the Princess to the boy's house.

He started walking with a heavy expression on his face, feeling the grief of what he had heard about Hyde. He admitted to possibly being too hard on the boy during training, but he felt like it was necessary for him to grow as a fighter and as a person. He needed him to become stronger to fight Amnesia, but was that really the only reason? Waldstein admitted that a part of him trained Hyde so that one day, they would be able to fight to their hearts' content, or more specifically, to Waldstein's. But deep down, he felt respect for the young man. To cast aside your fears for the sake of helping others...that takes real courage.

Waldstein: (Regardless of how green you were, your talents were unquestionable...My sincerest apologies for not being at your side, boy...No, not boy. You were a true man, Hyde Kido, and you died like one...)

Kuon: He isn't dead.

Waldstein stopped and turned to look at Kuon with many emotions, some of them included shock and slight anger. He knew that at this point, Kuon loved his secrets. But now it just pissed him off.

Waldstein: What do you mean? Explain yourself immediately!

Kuon: Not now. If I'm going to explain it to you, Linne should also hear this. She deserves to know. However, it appears that she is in no mental or emotional state to hear this. Give her time to recover, and I promise I will explain it.

Waldstein: You better not be lying, Kuon. For your sister's sake, and your own.

Kuon: Are you threatening me, Waldstein? You know fully well you stand no chance against me.

Waldstein: I don't give a damn about In-Births standing no chance against Re-Births. I don't care who it is, I will never allow those who make the Princess cry go unpunished. That is my duty, the duty I swore my life to after you saved me from becoming a mindless monster. However, that does not make you in any way an exception. Farewell.

Without another word, Waldstein walked away in the direction of Hyde's house, holding a sleeping Linne in his arms. Now by his lonesome, Kuon stood up from the bench and looked at the night sky, specifically the full moon. Despite the stoic and serious expression on his face, his inner feelings were anything but emotionless.

Kuon: Powerful new players have joined your little game. You better not blow it...Ozpin.

*Damn, that was...something. I figured I might as well write this as an emotional moment between Linne and Kuon, given that he is the source of her immortality and suffering. I might make more side chapters with other characters, but only if it's relevant in the story. But also to provide content while you guys wait for the next story chapters. The next side chapter, whenever it may be, will likely be based on Amnesia and Hilda's conflicting feelings with her defeat. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! If you liked this chapter, then leave a vote! If you have any feedback and/or ideas, feel free to put them in a comment! I'd really appreciate it! I'll see you all next chapter! Until then, stay awesome!*

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