Hospital weirdness

Start from the beginning

Jack: uh...I just put a coin in and it'll serve coffee automatically?

Lia: why did you do that?!

Jack: because I wanted coffee.

*at the suggestion box*

Elsa: *puts a note in the suggestion box*

Emmetha: what did you suggest?

Elsa: I suggested that they should serve some coffee cold.

Brittany: you know you can just make some ice and put it in your coffee right?

Elsa: oh! why didn't I think of that?! someone quick help me get that note out!

Jack: no! its okay they might just do it,cause I just burnt my tongue after I drank that coffee.

Eugene: we should probably snap them out so we can go home already*points to ZenEmmeLiaBritt staring at the coffee machine*

Zen: ask

Lia: and

Emmetha: dare

Brittany: away!

hey guys I just came here to say if you are having problems or you can't understand some stuff just comment it and to some who are confused in some characters here.

elsalover1104 as Emmetha

thecookielover101 as Brittany

bubblegum112002 as Lia

so that sums it all up.

Elsa: hello everyone!

Zen: how'd you get in the author's notes?

Elsa: Jack told me.

Zen: *boiling with anger*FROOOOST!!!

Jack: uh oh! AAAHHHH!*runs away*

Elsa: go Jack go! you can run away from her!...for no longer than 3 minutes!

Zen: wait! *puts on her pink,black and white striped glasses*if I'm going to chase him I'm chasing him in style...LIKE A BOSS!*starts chasing Jack* how many times do I have to tell you to stop going in my author's notes!

Jack: so your not mad at Elsa?!

Zen: no! just you!

Ask and Dare The Big Five [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now