Important A/N

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Um, i dont know how to start this. Lets just start off with the basics.


As some of you guys might fear, I am not discontinuing this book but as I think I stated before. It was on hiatus for the past 5-ish months. I apologize for that. My school life has kept me away, that and the spare time I do have Ive been spending with the love of my life ((currently they are)). So in short No im not ending the book I plan on finishing this one at least to the half way mark.


I haven't found the right times I update but expect one every week or two weeks. Im trying to balance things out again before i move onto high school.


To make it up to you guys I'll take any questions ((as long as its not too personal)) for compensation of the wait. So forgive thy for that. Anyway one last thing, I might edit this story soon. Fix up my past mistakes and whatnot.

~Mc out.

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