Stand By Me (important A/n)

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Hi guys... so a few days ago there was a shooting, a youtube shooting. Apparently a youtuber was having all these bad things that youtube was doing to her, so she decided to go to youtube HQ and shoot people. I just want to say what my mother says, before you go say,"so what about what your mother says, doesnt mean she's right..." or "why should i care?! I dont need advice from someone's stupid mother!!" Listen to what im about to tell you, this might, just might help prevent you from being the person the shooter shoots. Don't be the bully, their the first person to get shot or killed. If your friend or someone is being bullied get help, those shooter wouldn't have been shooting people if they were being treated nice. Dont pick on people... it can drive them crazy to the point of a school shooting. And as Logan Paul once said,"im sure if someone was nice to the shooter he wouldnt do something like that, maybe one of his friends could have stopped him..." (not exactly what he said but something along those lines... i just want to say, im sorry for everyone who lost a friend/family member in any shootings. I hope this will help... no matter how many people see this share this with those close to you...

(Plz dont hate on me from quoting from logan paul)

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