Help Heal My Wounds...

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Ok i read the story,"remember me always" and found some intreasting things, im gonna try to use that as like a base (?) for like how lovers act/feel towards each other? I dunno somethin' like that

Song: Little do you know (lyrics)

(Y/n's pov)

It had been awhile since i started dating bee, but it felt awkward. We rarely talked now, i heard them saying stuff about Steeljaw's pack. I didnt really care at this point, "why is it that my relationships are always awkward or false? I just want a good relationship but an awkward one? No thank you!" I muttered to myself, my mind wandered to Max and what he used to be like. I sighed and looked up to the sky,"Max what did i do to cause you to leave me for the afterlife, maybe if i stayed with you... you would be here and i would be gone... i hate not being with you max.... i miss our late-night calls, our playful fights, our... friendship..." i said with tears streaking my face. I didn't realize bee's holoform behind me until i was hugged from behind,"(Y/n) dont say that, there is no way you could have prevented what happened to him..." he said while resting his head on mine. "Im sure i could have bee, im just done with the pain of loosing him. And breaking up with jackson feels like im loosing Max all over again..." i said,"then dont focus on that jerk, focus on us then..." he smiled faintly. "I try bee, but i cant..." i said before turning around and hugging him,"i try but... jackson is still here..." i said tapping my head. Bee kissed my forehead,"i know its hard to forget but he isnt worth you (y/n) if he hurt you then forget him, and forget Jordan to." I smiled,"thanks bee, it'll take time to heal though...""And ill help you heal..." he said before kissing my forehead again, while hugging me. I sure do love this mech with all of my being...

Peace And Love On The Planet Earth (tfrid Bumblebee X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon