My Guardain Hero

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Song: Flashlight (lyrics/Jessie J)

(Y/n's pov)

I finally got away from Steeljaw and high-tailed it outta there, running for any direction that might save my behind from being used against Bee. I wouldn't let myself become a threat from the team on my watch, my legs are starting to feel weak. But i can't rest because Steeljaw is still right behind me, if i dont rest soon my legs arw going to give out. I just hope Bee is alright, i didnt get to see him come back. Finally my legs gave out from underneath me, causing me to fall forward and scrape my cheek on a rock. My clothes covered in dirt, my face the same but with fresh blood from falling forward. "Finally have enough fleshbag?" Steeljaw chuckled at my weak state, i winced in pain and layed limp on the hard earth. Steeljaw picked me up roughly, causing me to yell in pain. He laughed before taking me back to his base, he dropped me from 3 feet onto an old mattress. I winced quietly,"Sleep." He ordered sternly. I made myself as comfortable as i could on the old mattress that had springs sticking out the sides, i quietly cried myself to sleep. Hoping Bee could save me soon, or if i could escape.

(No one's pov)

Bee paced back and forth at the scrapyard, he was worried sick about you. Not knowing little to anything of what happened to you, he ended up walking into the forest. In the same place you had gone, Bee then noticed footprints. Not just one set but two. One smaller and one the size of his feet. He then realized that you must had gone out in this small clearing and got taken by something. He transformed and followed the prints, not even bothering telling his team, Denny, or Russel. He had to find you. He had a sick feeling who had you and why.

*back with you and to your pov*

I woke up to hearing the cons kicking something metal around, i winced at the noise. I opened my eyes to see all of the cons beating up on bee. The poor mech being attacked by Thunderhoof and Fracture, i put my hand over my mouth. I got up and ran to stop them, at one point i got cut on some sort of relic in the base. I felt somewhat stronger and when i punched Thunderhoof's pede it didn't hurt, well thats a lie. It didn't hurt me, it did hurt Thunderhoof. He yelled in pain which caused everyones attention to fall to my small frame, i smirked. "What's wrong? Can't handle a widdle ol' human?" I teased in a baby voice. Which just caused Thunderhoof to come running at me, trying to stomp on me. I ran from him, surprisingly keeping a good distance between me and the deer-ish mech. What i didn't see was that was that Bee had commed for backup and was trying to fend off Steeljaw and Fracture, i winced when Thunderhoof finally caught up to me and picked me up. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. I was then flung into the air and caught by another servo. I opened my eyes to see a yellow mech holding me close, i snugged close to Bee while he was still fighting for us both. I crawled my way up his shoulder, when Steeljaw tried to punch Bee i punched his servo back and yelled,"ULTIMATE BROFIST!!!!" The punch sent us both back, i hit my back on Bee's helm. Steeljaw flew back and yelled something like,'Scrap! My servo!' I heard 2 cars and a few thuds, i knew it was Sideswipe, Strongarm, and Grimlock. I winced silently as i turned around and hugged Bee's neck cables, i knew i would be safe with him.


I had fallen asleep in Bee's alt on the drive back to base, that just shows how much of a good sleep i had gotten. Bee ended up activating his Holoform, cuddled me a little, and carried me to my bed. I was bearly awake when he did so, i glanced up at my boyfriend. He looked at me smiling, i drifted off asleep in his arms.

(Bee's pov)

I carried (Y/n) to her bed, when I set her down she wouldn't stop clinging to my shirt. I finally got her to let go,"Bee... please stay with me." She said half asleep, I smiled and layed down next to her. Holding her close as she once again fell asleep, I felt my own optics grow heavy and soon found myself in recharge while cuddling my girlfriend.


Took A lot longer then I thought, Anyway I won't be on wattpad for awhile because I gotta work for money to help out my mom with affording a new house bc we got kicked out. So yeah, that should be fun. (I'm working for my grandma ok? I'm not in high school... yet.)

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