Nightmare Attack...

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Hoi my readers X3 so this is gonna be a chapter about (y/n) and max so yeah my concert was good this song above was sang by the advanced choir it was less good but that doesnt matter

Song: lunar lullaby

Warning: this will be sort if depressing but its major to the 'plot'

(Y/n's pov)

I fell asleep in my bunker, what i didnt know was that my guardian was watching me from afar.

*nightmare realm (pic below)*

I found myself in a gray barren land with a blood red sky that had glowing red lightning, i spotted max infront of me but several feet infront of me

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I found myself in a gray barren land with a blood red sky that had glowing red lightning, i spotted max infront of me but several feet infront of me. Something was wrong."Max! Ive missed you-" he glared at me,"ITS YOUR FAULT! IF YOU DIDNT LEAVE THEN I'D STILL BE ALIVE!!" His words shocked me. I felt a pain in my heart,"M-max im s-sorry! I didnt t-think y-you'd d-die..." his bright blue eyes had more hatered in them then before. "YOU DONT THINK!" i felt warm tears fall,"Max i-" i was cut off by his hand smacking my face. "SHUT UP!!"

*back to normal*

"Gah!" I jolted awake and put my hand to my cheek where max had slapped me, it stung as if i had been smacked. I winced quietly,"oww..." i held my cheek. It was the middle of the night, i looked at the stars. Tears found their way down my face my right cheek stung as the tears fell from my (e/c) eyes.

I decided to try and sleep but i would toss and turn, not being able to sleep

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I decided to try and sleep but i would toss and turn, not being able to sleep. After an hour of doing so you fell asleep, scared that i might get hurt again.

*timeskip to morning*

I woke up to a giant finger poking my stomach, whrn i opened my eyes grimlock was there."Grimlock... cant a girl get some sleep-" grimlock gave a loud scream as if I'd scared him to death. I covered my ears as the huge bot ran off,"smooth grim..." i muttered. I got up and jumped to the ground to find my guardian so i could talk to him,"Bee i wanna hang out with ya..." i said looking at my guardian's back."one moment-" he stopped when he looked at me,"(y/n) who did that to you?!" He asked worried. "Who did what? What's wrong?!" I started to panic,"let me show you..." he said picking me up and taking me to a broken mirror. I saw a huge hand mark where max had slapped me in my nightmare,"AHHH!!!"  I screamed. "I thought nightmares cant hurt you!" I yelled,"they cant..." bee said calmly. I started pacing,"why would he do that- i didnt know he'd- wait what if he did because i wasnt there to help him focus- oh god..." i started to ramble to myself,"woah (y/n), calm down... whats going on?" Bee asked picking me up. I blushed when my
(e/c) met his clear blue eyes,"my friend died like i told you he blamed me for his death, then he..." i hesitated,"go on..." bee said holding me closer to his face causing me to blush even more. "He smacked me, i guess it left this..." i said pointing to my right cheek that had a clear human hand print on it.


Hoi guys! Im really happy because 1. I got a toy of my bae (bayverse bumblebee) and 2. I found out theirs a bumblebee agate gem!  So yeah! Hope you enjoyed!

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