"Crazy birthday bash huh?" She says. She looks incredibly familiar. But I just kept it cool. "Yeah. It's actually my cousins birthday so we're celebrating at this club that we used to always go to." I said. "Fun" She says and kind of checks me out. She for sure can't be straight at this point.

"Here you go" The barista says and hands me two full glasses containing alcohol with lemons inside the drink. "Thanks" I tell him. Then I look at the lady. "See ya around" I said and smiled. "See ya" she says and I catch her looking down straight at my ass after I got up. Yeah.. she's gay. What are the odds that I quickly met a gay woman at a club? Who knows if I'll ever see her again though.

A few hours later after all the partying, we went outside and stood out there trying to figure out where we wanted to eat at 2 am in the morning.

"We could just get some McDonald's. Although we might feel sick because of all the drinking. Maybe ihop?" One Of Sabrina's sober friend asks, since she's driving some of us in her car then another friend who is also sober will be driving everyone else in her car. I'm just standing there waiting for their decision. I'm down to eat anywhere. As long as we eat.

I crossed my arms and looked around. I see that same lady walk out of the building and she looks away from her phone and we make eye contact. Then I saw her talk to one of her friends then waved bye to her. Then she walked over to me surprisingly.

"Didn't get to see you around again till after" she says and crosses her arms just like me. "Ha..yeah. it was pretty crazy in there" "you're telling me. Anyways..you on your way to go somewhere else now? Is the party for you guys is still going?" She asks me. "We're just gonna go eat. Then head home." I said while moving side to side a bit. I couldn't keep still. I'm talking to this hot ass woman.

"Oh cool..well it was nice meeting you tonight. Wish it could've lasted longer" she says. I giggle and bite my lip. "Are you heading home?" I ask her. "Yup. Waiting on my Uber. Still a bit tipsy so it's a good thing I didn't drive" she says. "That's good. You better stay safe!! If anything, we can give you a ride. You know, girl code.. just to keep a fellow female safe" "oh thank you! I'll be fine. I dont live too far."

"Okay great. It was nice meeting you.." i pause and furrow my brows and point at her. "Leah" She says. "Leah. Stay safe..and I'm Jennifer" I smile.

"Jennifer..hm..I like that name" she says. "pfft. It's so basic" I said. "Basic? Look at my name!" She chuckles and shakes her head. "It's pretty though" I said. "Thank you" she smiles and looks away from me. Noticing her uber arrived. "I gotta go...bye" She says and starts walking. "Bye" I responded and waved.

I kind of watched her walk away. Those legs look amazing, her body, her hair. The way she just walks to the car. Damn. I should've asked for her number.

Immediately, my cousin, Sabrina, comes up to me and nudges my arm with hers catching me off guard. "So did you get her number? What's she like? She's hot! She was so hitting on you" she attacks me with all those words. "I didn't get her number. It wasn't that type of connection. We just met and moved on. I'll probably never see her again so.." I said.

That's what I thought.


On my way to Starbucks again. It's a long line again..great. So I got out of my car and walked inside to order. Then waited by the side for my drink.

"Iced coffee for Leah" the barista calls out. I look away from my phone for a second because that name sounded familiar. But then I looked back at my phone again to ignore. Then I smell a nice pretty scent hit my nose which lingered as this lady walks by me and reaches for her drink. I looked up again..and it's her. The Leah girl who I talked to at the club.

Then it hit me why I thought she looked familiar at the club.

I cleared my throat fast enough to get her attention.
"Leah right?" I ask. She looks at me and her eyes quickly drift down my body. If I blinked I would've missed it because it was so quick.

"Jennifer?" She says. I let out a little smile. "Yes hi!" I said. "Hey, I guess I got lucky to see you again" she chuckles. "Crazy coincidence..I knew you looked familiar at the club. I've seen you here before" I said.

"Really?" She asks. "Yeah..I'm preeetty sure you've seen me too" I said and she tilts her head seeming confused. "I recall you checking me out here last time" I said. She scoffs and looks away for a second to take a sip of her drink. Then looks at me again. "I check out a lot of people. Maybe I didn't really realize who you were" she says. "Oh..well.." "plus why would I check you out?" She asks. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Me checking a woman out?" She says. "Hey..if I see a woman with a fine ass I'm gonna look" I said. "Well not me" She says.  "You hit on me at the club..why're you acting as if that's weird for you..checking out women?" I said. She raises her brows and leans against the counter. I'm guessing she's waiting for me to get my drink but it's not done yet.

"Do you think it's weird checking out women?" She asks me. "No I'm gay. I do it all the time" I giggle. "Hmm" she mumbles.

"Iced coffee for Jennifer" the barista called out. "Oh the same drink as me huh?" She says. "Thank you" I tell the barista. "I wasn't copying you if that's what you're saying" I tell her as we make our way outside. "Didn't say you were" she says.

I didn't answer. Attitude. But I kind of want her number. Who knows when I'll see her again? I mean we keep coincidently seeing each other but we don't know if that'll happen again.

"Anyways..Do you go to this Starbucks all the time?" I ask her. "Yes I do. Usually drive thru but the lines have been pissing me off so I've been walking in." She says. "Me too! I don't know why all of a sudden it's been like that.."

"It's because they closed the other Starbucks nearby" she says coldly. "Oh..makes sense now." I said. "Yeah..so..let's keep in touch Yeah?" She says. I smirk and look at her. "Afraid you won't see me again?" I tease her. I would never talk to a girl like that if I just wanted to be her friend. But this Leah woman is hot so I'm going to shoot my shot whenever I can. "No..just-wanna be friends. Is that so bad?" She asked. "No haha..here's my number" I said and we exchanged numbers.

"See you around" I wink as we make our separate ways. "See you" She says and waves bye.

Whew. She's hot. And that personality..love. I haven't had this feeling in a while.

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