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"She'll be mine for sure" exclaimed the first.

"Your all wrong, she has to pick me!" Boasted the third.

The fourth brother scoffed at the others as they argued among themselves.
They continued to bicker until they drew their weapons and began to attack each other. Each being enveloped by greed. Swipe after swipe, cutting, stabbing, and slicing into one another.

The third brother growing impatient cut each brother down one by one, spilling blood onto the ground.

The prince explained to the giant that the brothers were unworthy to be in the glory of his daughter, that her hand should go to him. With greed overtaking him he boasted that he was the rightful heir to the throne.

The prince had gone mad, forcing the armies he had brought with him to stand against the giant. Stating that if he did not release the maiden to him he would wage a long and bloody war.

The giant refused, so started a long and egregious battle between man and beast.

The prince waged war across the lands, blood and steel clashing against one another creating chaos for both man and nature.

After many years of blood, the giant grew tired and fell against the prince's might. With his last words the giant swore that he would come back and take revenge, cursing him for all that he had done, for all the blood that he had spilled upon his home. The prince ordered his men to tie his body to the world, his arms becoming valleys, his chest becoming canyons and his head creating mountains.

The giant had fallen, leaving his daughter and the tree that gave life to her as a reminder.
The maiden strickened with sadness as she watched as her fathers remains began to cry, creating rivers. Water  pouring from out it's eyes. Before the prince could take her away the maiden ran towards the water and cursed the prince as she doused herself, as long as greed and war consumed man her gift would remain there.

The tree blossomed as she disappeared into ash as the tree began to disperse small dragon lilies into the water. Within these small buds laid the first of their kind; Faunus.

The maidens last gift onto the prince was the thing he had ripped from her and her father, life.

Beasts began to take form, mortals that we're both half human and half animal. The worlds first gift, abominations!

Ever since that fateful day the king segregated the Faunus and kept them away, but no matter how hard he tried her gift would keep multiplying and get worse.

The table kept quiet as Lavender grabbed his glass and took one long swig of his water. "What I think is going to happen in the next few weeks is gonna be pure Armageddon."

"To think, we're at war with another race because of one man's greed and lust for power." 

He had put his glass down and slowly wiped the condensation from off the side, drawing a happy face with two little horns and a tail.

Lin had made her way back to the table with small slices of cake, the dessert finally making it's way to the table.

"Thank you Lin." Lavender said with a smile, "I'll be sure to pay the check in a few minutes."
Lin nodded as Lavender grabbed his fork and took one solitary bite of cake.

"I never thought that there would be a story about where Faunus came from." Ruby said as she began to dig into her own slice.

"My grandfather told me that one way back when I was younger, used to talk about all sorts of things, as if he was actually there."

Lavender chuckled to himself as he put the slice into his mouth, the texture rich and moist.
"Old man was mad, didn't think all of em were real though."

"Don't want to be rude or anything Blake, but do you know why were  fighting against the fauna's government?"

Blake put her fork down as the cake slid down her throat and into her stomach.

"Atlas is looking to expand farther into unknown territory and because of that more and more Faunus are dying. The Faunus are seeking shelter from the war and are moving into populated cities."

"And people aren't liking that are they?" Lavender said as he pulled his wallet out.

Blake seemed to hesitate, the look in her eyes seemed to give something off, a certain pain or even a feeling of guilt building up, causing her eyes to darken.

"No one likes war, but someone's got to resolve something if it ever gets down to it." Drake said as he wiped himself with a napkin, the grease from the dish layered on his lips.

Lavender nodded "I just never thought that people would die over land." Yang said as played with her bracelet.

"No one ever expects it, it's always over something stupid. It can be over food, houses, or even love."

Lavender scratched his scalp as he got up and began to collect the used napkins on the table.

"But what we got was the unexpected, Atlas purely wants the land because their money maker is running out.
And I'm willing to bet that they won't stop until they get what they want."

"Because, after all-"

Lavender put all the napkins in a ball and threw em in the middle of the table along with the bill. The money placed neatly right next to it.

"War. War never changes."

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