Another Authors Note!

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Oh my god guys!! So I checked my reads at lunch at 11:30 and I have 795. Which hadn't changed much since I checked it at 7am. But I checked it on the bus an hour ago, and it was 835!! That is crazy! 40 reads in like 3 1/2 hours! Thanks so much guys!! But the next story. I think I'm gonna wrap this one up in the next 5-6 chapters. Or at least try to. I had this biiiiiig plot involving Mallory again where she kidnaps Abbie, Abbie almost dies but Niall comes in like a hero and saves her. Yeah. Not doin' that. I'm on chapter 27 right now. And I think I'll wrap it up around 33-35ish. I said 40 originially. I lied. It's gonna be super rambly if I go to 40. So I'm not gonna do that. Also, there will NOT be a sequel. This is the endddd. So whatever happens in this, is the end. But I will tie Niall and Abbie into my other stories for the guys if I can. But that might be difficult when I do Liam and Louis and Zayn. Buuuuuut. I'm pretty sure I'm doing a Harry next. Then a Zayn or Louis. Then whichever one of those two I haven't done yet. Then Liam. I need time to come up with Liam and Louis' to figure out what I'm going to do. Cause a breakup between them and their girlfriends, make them breakup with some chick and fall in love with their current girlfriends but put different drama so they're not the same story but still end up with Danielle/Eleanor, I have no freaking clue. So since I have an idea for a plot with like Louis and Harry, that'll be who I do next probably. Maybe Louis actually. We'll see! I'm not starting that till I'm done with this story. So probably in a week or two I'll start the new story!! So, lemme do some quick math hurrrrr. 65 reads and I'll update!! at 900. If you see I'm online and haven't updated once it's at 900 tell me!! Chances are I just haven't noticed. Anyways! Thanks guys! Fan and PLEASE comment or message me your opinion!!

- Cierra(:

PS. 14 more reads guys! Come on!!

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