Chapter Seven*

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-Chapter Seven-

"Truth or Dare, Abs?" Harry asked me.
"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Lou!" He dared. I narrowed my eyes at him and he just grinned back. Slowly we got up and were put in a closet.

"Yeah we should just sit here. You have Eleanor and I like... him... So we can just talk!" I whispered to him.
"Yes! Favorite animal?" He asked.
"Zebras. Best friend?"
"Haz, and then you. You?"
"I'm honored, Lou. Niall, cause I've known him for 15 years. And then you. Why do you wear stripes all the time?"
"I like to feel like a zebra!" He laughed. Just then we heard footsteps. Lou and I leaned in near each other so we could act like we were pulling away when the door opened.

"Have fun you guys?" Harry asked us.

"Jackass." I muttered as I walked by.
"What? How am I- oh crap! Sorry! I totally forgot, Abs! Did you guys actually kiss?" He whispered the last part.
"Why? Are you gonna tattle on us?"
"No! I just want to know."
"No, we didn't. Because he has Eleanor and you know my end of the situation that you 'forgot'. Cheeky bastard." I said, playfully shoving him.
"What did you forget, Haz?" Niall asked and I froze.
"Please don't tell him, Haz. Please." I whispered in his ear discreetly.
"Oh. I forgot my socks in Abbie's room."
"Thank you so much, Haz." I mumbled and kissed his cheek.
Through out the night I was forced to say who my first crush was (Niall when we were 10), who my first boyfriend was (no one), and why I was living with Niall. Evidently they didn't know. And let me tell you, crying in front of them wasn't that weird. But I was upset, Niall saw this, and pulled me into a hug onto his lap. I rested my head on his chest where I fell asleep shortly after. When I woke up in the morning I expected to find Niall next to me but had no such luck. I needed a best friend hug right then. I walked out into the kitchen where Niall was. He could tell I needed a hug.
"What's wrong, Abs?"
"I just remembered last night. It made me think of my parents and Chris. And I needed a best friend hug from my best friend. I miss them Nialler." I said into his shoulder as he hugged me.
"I miss them too. Come on, let's go sit on the couch and if you want to watch a movie we can watch a non scary movie. But the boys and I have to go to the studio today at 2. We'll be back around 8 hopefully. Okay?"
"Okay, let's watch a movie for now, and I'll occupy myself while you're gone."
"Sounds good, pipsqueak." He laughed
"Pick a movie, leprechaun." I giggled.

At around 6 I got a call from Niall.
"Hey, Nialler. What's up?"
"Abs, pack a few days worth of clothes. We need to fly back home for a few days."
"Niall, whats wrong back home? I'm scared."
"Your house caught on fire. Some kids thought it would be funny to break in and they were smoking and the house caught on fire. My mum was the one who noticed it but we need to fly back home to take care of some stuff. I'm on my way right now, the plane leaves in an hour and a half."

I needed sleep desperately so I slept on the plane. Using Niall's shoulder as a pillow, I slept until we landed in Ireland. We went straight to sleep when we got to Niall's house.
When I woke up it was around 5:30am since I had slept on the plane I wasn't quite as tired. I had slept in Niall's bed and when I woke up he had his arm around me. It felt so nice but he couldn't know that. He couldn't know I liked him and I decided I needed some girl talk. I knew Maura would be up and exactly where I could find her.
"Hey, Maura?" I asked quietly trying not to wake anyone.
"What is it, Abbie?"
"Boys. You see, I like this guy, and he and I are super close. But he doesn't like me back. I walked in on him making out with a girl right after he went out clubbing, and it just made my blood boil. I was angry and upset. So I talked to a friend who's a guy. Ever since then I've known I like him, but he doesn't feel the same way, and I wouldn't want to ruin our amazing friendship. What should I do?"
"Well if you like Niall, go for it! He loves you too much to let you go. Do the boys know?"
"Do the boys know what?" a sleepy Niall asked from the doorframe, while rubbing his eyes and looking as adorable as ever.
"Umm that I- um- like- carrots?"
"Stop lying, love, I can tell. After 15 years, I know when you're lying, and I know you are now."
"I can't tell you, Niall, it wouldn't do any good. Now, I'm tired, so let's go back to bed."
"I- uh- okay. There's no use in arguing, and I am tired."
As we got back into his bed he protectively wrapped his arm around me.
"You know you're not getting out of this that easily, right?" He said to me.
"Yeah, I know. I promise I'll tell you as soon as I can. I love you, Nialler, let's go to sleep."
"Okay, Abs. I love you too."

Soon we had gotten everything we needed to done. It was then our last night back there for that trip. As I looked out the window I saw the play set again. I cried softly this time, almost inaudibly, but Niall still heard me.
"Shhh, Abs, come here. It's okay, let it all out" He cooed as I cried my eyes out into his shirt. He put an arm around me and that's how we fell asleep.
I didn't want to leave Maura again, but I knew I'd be back soon enough.
Again, I slept the entire way back. When I woke up Niall seemed different, like happy different. He  just seemed a lot happier overall.
"Love, you talk in your sleep, just thought I'd let you know." He winked.
"Oh, God. What did I say?" I was genuinely scared.

'What if I said I liked him? No. Not possible. He wouldn't be this happy about that.
Oh well. I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later.'

*Niall's POV*

Abbie was talking in her sleep. I never had really listened, but since I wasn't tired I decided I would this time.
"No.... Louis... don't tell Niall... he can't know... he can't know I like him... not like that... more than a friend... Louis! Don't tell him! Please!" She mumbled to herself.
'Wait. She likes me?? I've always liked her. Since we were 12. But I thought she had never liked me except for that crush when we were 10. No. She can't. She's just saying things. She doesn't mean it. I'll just have to get over it. I've lived with liking her for 5 or 6 years. I could live with it for a few more, right? Maybe she'll like me in a few years. But for now I needed to do something to get my mind off her. Find a new girl. But she got hurt last time. If I actually got a girlfriend it would hurt her even more. But she doesn't like me. So she'd get over it. Right? But my best friend shouldn't have to 'get over' things.'

I decided I'd talk to Louis. I knew he would know what to do. Even just the thought of her possibly liking me made me happy. After we landed I told her, "Love, you talk in your sleep. Just thought I'd tell you.", with a wink, and the look of panic on her face was hilarious.

*Abbie's POV*

When we got back, Niall went to go talk to Louis. Right after he left I got a text.

"From - Lou

Niall just came over and said you said you liked him in your sleep. He says he doesn't think you meant it. And wants to possibly get a girlfriend to get over it but doesn't want to hurt you. What do you want me to say? - Lou xx"

'Oh my God. That's what I said. Oh no. He obviously doesn't like me. And I can't get in the way.'

I texted back,

"To - Lou

Well I can't get in the way and he obviously doesn't like me. So don't tell him I do. I was just saying things. Tell him I just wasn't expecting the other girl. He can go get a girlfriend if he wants. Thanks for asking Lou. - Abs xx"

*Niall's POV*

"I don't think she meant it. I talk in my sleep half the time. I don't mean any of it. So go find yourself a girl! She just wasn't expecting the last girl, okay?" Louis said.

'So she didn't mean it. I'll just get a new girlfriend to get over her. Or at least get my mind off her. But she's so beautiful. And nice. And funny.'

I needed to get her off my mind. Harry Zayn and I needed to go out again. I talked to the boys and Louis was going to stay with Abbie again. 

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