Chapter Twenty Three

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*8 months later*

It was July 19th and El was due any day. They had decided to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender, but I was secretly hoping it was a little girl. Niall and I were sitting on the couch in our pajamas around 2am. I was in his Jack Wills sweats and a Jack Wills tank top of my own. He was in another pair of his Jack Wills sweats and a thin t shirt. I was sitting on his lap and I could feel his abs on my side. I was about to fall asleep, but then my phone rang. It was Lou, but I didn't know why he was calling me at 2am.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Abs, El's water just broke. We're getting in our car. Tell the boys and meet us at the hospital." Louis breathed.

"Holy shit. Okay. We'll be there soon. Bye, Lou." I agreed as I hung up.

"El's water broke. We need to get the guys and meet them there." I told Niall.

"Shit. Okay, you get Harry. I'll get Zayn and Liam." He said. I ran next door to Harry's flat. I didn't even knock. I ran into his bedroom where he and Avery were sleeping.

"Get up!" I whisper yelled.

"What the hell!" They woke up.

"El's water broke! We're going to the hospital now. Come on! Get out of bed!" I shouted. They scrambled out of bed and to their cars. Niall and I led all of the boys in our cars to the hospital. We ran in to the hospital and Lou was waiting outside. He told us that El only wanted he and I in there. No one took it personally at all, we were just the closest to her. We stood by her bed and I had my phone out, ready to take a picture of them with the new baby. A few minutes later I heard a baby cry. The doctors were shocked by how quick labor was for her first child.

"It's a girl!" The doctor smiled. El started crying and Louis had a tear stream down his cheek a minute later.

"Morganne. Morganne Abigail." El decided and Louis looked at me.

"Yeah, Morganne Abigail." He smiled. 

Oh my god, They are giving her my name as her middle name.

"Smile, guys!" I grinned. I took a picture of the new family. I sent it to Louis who tweeted the picture.

"@Louis_Tomlinson: Meet my new daughter Morganne Abigail Tomlinson. Her middle name is from her godmother Abbie Horan (: Love you, Abs (: @Abbie_Horan"

"You guys want me to be the godmother?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes!" El agreed.

"Oh my god, I love you guys." I laughed as I hugged them.

"Do you want to hold her?" Louis asked me and I nodded. I was so scared I would hurt her.

"You won't hurt her Abbie." El told me, as if she read my mind. As I held Morganne I got to look at her for the first time. She had her father's blue green eyes and her mother's chocolate brown hair. She was going to be a gorgeous little girl. Lou took a picture of us and tweeted that too. (A/N I don't know if this is a used twitter but I'm using it as Abbie's)

"@Louis_Tomlinson : She's going to be a great mother some day (: @Abbie_Horan"

"Can you get the boys and girls?" El asked Lou. He nodded and called the group in. They all had their girlfriends with them. I was still holding my goddaughter when Niall walked up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"I saw Louis' tweets. It's amazing, and I completely agree." He said. I sat on his lap still holding Morganne. Harry and Zayn took a picture of the three of us. I went back over to El and gave her her daughter. I got a twitter notification as I sat back down on Niall's lap.

Far Too Soon (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang