Chapter 28 - Brothers

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The week had passed with the hardest training that Luciel had endured. Some of the only training that he had went through. Chloe had one day announced, walking into Luciel's room at 5 in the morning, announcing, "we are going shopping!!"

Luciel had woken with a grunt of frustration as Chloe drags the sore boy out of his warm, comfortable bed. Luciel let's out some words meant to mean something, but nothing could be comprehended. "I don't care about your damn beauty sleep, so stop being a pissy princess and get your ass ready!" Chloe states, somehow understanding Luciel's grumbles.

The purple haired boy grumbles with complaints, but gets ready anyways. Not wanting to have to deal with any punishments that come with not listening to the witch's orders. Although, he guessed he liked shopping, so he got ready. He really didn't have a lot of clothes to be honest. He just kind of ran from home, with clothes on his back and some money, he made his way here to become a Knight.

Getting ready, in his blue jacket, that has been stitched up and cleaned so that he can wear it again. He slipped on a pair of suitable pants that haven't been torn to shreds, and a white shirt. He really did feel disgusting in these clothes. He was glad Chloe was taking him out shopping today. It would be nice, to get out of the castle, and just relax with some nice shopping. Plus he had racked up some good money from the missions he has done. Grabbing his wallet he stuffs it in his pocket. He brushes his hair, deciding that he will like a nice night shower after this. Brushing his teeth, he's ready for his day.

Pulling on his socks, and then tieing his shoes out the door he steps our, to be wacked in the head by Chloe, "what too you so long pretty boy!!?" She questions with a growl.

"Owwww!!" Luciel whines, looking up at Chloe with a glare. He's been giving into her for so long now. "I'm sorry I want to look nice and not like a slob!" Luciel snaps back sassily. He then pauses for a moment and waits for Chloe's reaction, as she's gone silent, looking at the ground. Before she begins to laugh manaically, "I've been waiting for that, you're doin' good kid," she laughs. "You cant let people push you round like that," she explains. Slamming her hand into his back, causing Luciel to cough out roughly.

"Don't be such a baby," Chloe laughs, beginning to walk off. Luciel liked this new relationship he and Chloe had just made it was nice.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Luciel huffed, crossing his arms. They had made their way out of the castle where the base of the Golden Dawn resided and they had hopped into a carriage down to Castle Town. "Either way what are we going to be doing down here?" Luciel questioned.

"Well first of all, your outfit isn't tactical at all," Luciel raises a brow at that statement, silently calling Chloe a hypocrite, "second of all, you need to get a better wepon, and lastly, I need to meet up with someone here and I just thought, well, might as well bring Luciel." Chloe laughed. "Maybe while we're there we can get a cute outfit to show to Klau-" she starts.

"Shut up!!" Luciel yells, suddenly getting very defensive, and very red as Chloe begins to mention Klaus. With another cackle, the carriage comes to a stop. Chloe hopping out of her seat quickly she glances outside. Stepping off of the carriage casually, Luciel raises an eyebrow at Chloe's strangely unusual behavior it was weird to be honest.

"So where's the person you were going to meet up with?" Luciel questions, looking around the area.

"He should be here soon," Chloe shrugs, letting out a small yawn as she makes her way over to the first clothing shop. "Alrighty,  first of all. Your coat is a hazard, it's dumb, I tell people this all the time, it's not cool, it gets you killed," Chloe grins. "Also, white, are you trying to be very obviously spotted?" She raises a brow at Luciel's horrid fashion choice, who is currently rolling his eyes. Chloe grabs a few things off the shelves, handing them to Luciel. "Now go change, see how this works," she states.

Luciel, going to the dressing room changes into the given clothes, a black shirt, a dark, muddy blue coat that hugs his body, and dark grey pants.

"Why do you keep on trying to change my jacket??" Luciel huffs, crossing his arms as he takes it off.

"Because you're stealing my look," comes a voice. Luciel whioe around from recogniztion of the voice. He spotted him here. Blue hair, golden eyes, the blue jacket from Luciel's signature look.

Luciel paused, and just ran up and gave the boy a hug, tears ready spilling out of his eyes as he holds the boy tight. Missing him, missing him so much. His heart was going to spill out of his chest.

"W-where.. where did you go?" Luciel managed to choke out, still not letting go of Akio.

"Oh yeah I joined the Green Mantis, sorry I forgot to tell you!" Akio laughed.

"You forgot to tell me?" Luciel yelled angrily. Although he could never actually be mad at Akio, he was worth too much to him.

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