Chapter 4 - Fight

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The 3 looks at each other incredibly confused. The group took several twists and turns down the simple, yet elegant stone hallway, decorate with different woven art, a blue carpet going along the floor. Several large, colorful glass-pane windows lining the walls in between each piece of art and lamps hanging off the wall.

Soon the quartet comes across a staircase, it looked a bit dusty, and was that blood?

Luciel didn't really seem to be afraid but he looked a bit fidgety, Klaus was wary, while Langris looked slight disgusted at the sight of the dirty stairs. Although overall he looked a bit uneasy. As the group descends down the stairs, Lori speaks up. "These stairs haven't been cleaned in 3 years," Langris gags. "That is because we reserve that job for rookies like you, that lose." She explains.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean by 'lose'..?" Klaus asks uneasily, raising his hand a bit, despite Lori not being turned around to see it.

Lori snorts, "Exactly what I'm saying, Glasses, if you loose this fight you have to clean these stairs, along with several other jobs." She states curtly.

"And what exactly do you mean by 'fight'..?" Luciel asks, "Who are we fighting?" He finishes.

Lori simply smirks but doesn't respond as she continues walking, the further they went down, a bit more blood could be found.

As the group makes it into a dimly lit room, the 3 curious rookies take a look around. Pressed up against the wall is a rack of all sorts of weapons. There's a bench off to the side as well. A painted, white line on the floor giving the group basic guidelines as to where the arena 'is'. Although they're all pretty sure they know that they can use the whole arena.

"Decide on a weapon over there," She states, pointing to the rack of weapons. Most of which looking dusty , and slightly rusted. Probably due to the fact that nearly everyone in Golden Dawn is filthy rich and everyone already has their own weapons.

No one goes for the weapons.

With a sigh, Lori unsheathes her sword. "So it wasn't for show?" Luciel comments, rather too lightly, although he is instantly shut up by Lori with a sharp glare.

"It is common tradition for rookies of Golden Dawn to fight their supervisor, this takes place at the beginning and the end of the year to see where you stand- power wise." She explains, then continuing, "You are capable of using any method to defeat me. I may only use my sword," the 3 of you, she glances at each of them, "Your goal is to either knock me out of the arena, or to knock me out completely."

The 3 looks at each other, "The fight will end, and you will loose if you do not finish the fight within 30 minutes." She explains, raising her sword, she points the tip at Luciel, who is standing the between Klaus and Langris.

Luciel stares wide eyed at the sword, and glancing back at Langris and Klaus. Taking a deep breath, Luciel rushes forwards,his breaths quick with fear as he feels blood drain from his face as Lori swings her sword, gently grazing his chest as Luciel stops in his tracks to stare at the point.

"That's a sword," He comments before taking a few steps back and then rushing forwards. Lori, still having yet to move from her original spot spins wildly, her sword nearly taking off Klaus' neck as he attempts to get his Grimiore. As Lori finished spinning, Luciel takes a deep breath, prays to whatever god is up there, despite not believe in anything, and then rushing forwards with a leap.

He feels the tip of his foot touch the flat of the blade and he jumps on the other side of the insane woman. Mid-jump he flips, upon landing on the ground, Luciel whips out his arm behind him to grab a knife from the rack and quickly throw it at Lori, groaning a bit as he hears the 'clink' of metal on metal and the knife go flying back into his direction.

With a screech of surprise, he quickly jumps out of the way, the crazy woman stopping her spinning as he hears a crash and sees a spear in the ground, and Lori's sword against it. Glancing at Klaus with a grin Luciel grabs the first thing off the rack that he felt. A morning star.

Nearly dropping the thing when he first picks it up, Luciel holds it with both hands. A ball of light goes whizzing passed Lori from Langris, hearing a grunt from Lori as she whips her head in Langris' direction, Luciel swings his morning star, although as he does so, he looses his grip.

The weapon slipping out of his grasp, it goes flying at Lanrgis as Lori swipes her sword along it's edge to divert it towards Langris, who is currently a bit frozen as he watches the metal mace fly over him.

Hitching his breath, Luciel watches the morning star, while everyone but Lori was distracted, she strikes, swiping her sword along Luciel's chest. His time, it hits. Klaus thankfully, uses a spear that he had created to hold the sword back.

Falling down to the floor, clutching his bloodied chest, Luciel takes deep breaths as he sits on his knees. He can't do fucking anything!

"What? Are you going to give up now from a little scratch?" Langris mocks, having avoided the morning star.

Luciel's eyes sharpen a bit, "Dammit!" He cries out, grabbing the first knife that he threw and jumps wobbles back up. Although, he had gotten up at the wrong time, and Lori's sword jabs in his direction.

I'm evil. Although, you know he's going to live, he's the main character and this is only the 4th chapter. But how will he live?

Will Klaus come to his rescue?

Will Luciel finally do a proper job in defending himself?

Find out next Tuesday!

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