Chapter 17 - Arrows

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Klaus and Luciel sit across from the Duchess Maria Lunara Regino, of the house of Donquix, an olive skinned woman with dark, long, wavy thick hair, which was currently done in a fishtail braid that rests on her shoulder. Said braid being decorated with flowers and gold pieces. Her face, cakes in makeup, and her face looked like a peacock threw up on her. She wore a loose, silken, deep blue dress. With fake flowers decorating the strap and waistband. 

She had been talking and talking, as the two of them have orders to stay by her side, and allow the other, none Magic Knight guards to do their job. So, the 3 of them sat in the pristine carriage. Luciel and Klaus sitting next to eachother, with Maria right across from them. 

She was going on and on about some noblewoman that wasn't even proper, drools everywhere and can't even respond properly. Charolette something. Luciel didn't really care, but Klaus seemed rather intriuged and even began to take notes. Luciel, simply stared out the window. 

As Maria talked on and on about that Charolette girl or whatever, Luciel starts to nod off, and his head suddenly gives out as it plops down, to which he is quickly shook awake by Klaus, who scolds him for sleeping on the job. 

Maria, from her side of the carriage, begins to squeal like a pig, Luciel cringes slightly from the pitch. "You guys are soooo cute! Are you dating! You would make an adorable couple!" She had squealed. "You're probably betrothed right, have you chosen your dress yet, Lucy?!" She questions, to whcih Luciel froze for a moment.

Klaus stays silent for a moment, thinking, meanwhile, Luciel's having a mental breakdown. His heart stops for a moment as Klaus states abruptly, "Y-yes. Wee, are d-dating." Klaus' face was currently a bright red, and Luciel was rigid, and his heart had died right then and there. 

"Prove it," Maria had breathed out the demand, covering her gaping mouth.

Luciel froze before speaking up, "H-how..?"

"By kissing, silly!" She had laughed, closing her green eyes as she laughed. They had to do it. There was no 'getting out of it', it's either they do it and they kissed and everyone gets told about their 'adorable' status. They don't do it and everyone probably gets to know about their 'marriage' that is falling apart. 

"Fuck it," Luciel states, grabbing Klaus' jaw, and slams his own lips against Klaus'. There were fireworks there. Klaus, during that moment was pretty much just put into cardiac arrest from sheer shock as blood rushes to his face. 

Luciel, had swiftly pulls away, but as his heart hammered in his chest, his gut twisted with anxiety and butterflies, but he felt like he didn't get enough. He just felt so, so nice, warm and happy kissing him. Kissing Klaus. Luciel just kissed pie face. "You need chapstick," Luciel states, his face still red and a stutter of embarrassment rising on his face. 

Maria squealed loudly, Luciel was pretty sure a horse outside whinnied. Although, the purple haired boy was still dazed by those few moments of lip locking with Klaus. "Oh my gosh that was cute!!" The Dutchess had cried. "So I'm guess you two are newly engaged?!" 

Neither were capable of properly responding, so the two just nod simultaneously. Maria squealed again, the two boys cringe at that sound. 

Soon, after about another hour of Maria going on, and on about how cute Luciel and Klaus were, thinking of 'ship names', whatever those were. The most notable were "Kluciel" and "Kliel", Luciel preferred 'Kluciel', whatever it meant, but it rolled off his tongue more easily. Klaus, well he was still shook. 

Luciel, he was feeling better, getting over the initial shock of having his first kiss with a man, whom he calls 'pie-face'. Although after that kiss, he really wanted a piece of pie. Blueberry preferably, but any pie would do. Weirdest part, Luciel doesn't even like pie. He actually prefers to eat chocolate chip cookies. Any cookie really. Even raisin as long as it wasn't a dry raisin. Despite liking raising, he does not like grapes.

Luciel's thoughts were honestly a mess right now. Klaus, well he was freaked out. 

Any thought strolling through his mind was mainly just "My virgin Lips have just been sullied by a man with a ponytail!" and "wow why are his lips so soft, wait no, brain! You are not supposed to think like that! You are second in line in the noble house of Lunette, you cannot love a man!" There were also a few other thoughts, in which he is quite confused about everything. Why is the sky so blue, why is his heart hurting right now, why in the world does he keep looking at Luciel?! 

So then, the caravan had stopped, allowing the horses to feed and get a drink. Also allowing those stuck inside to get a breath of fresh air. That was needed greatly my Luciel and Klaus, they both need space away from each other for a while it would be best like that. The two boys are already shook enough. 

Klaus mainly. 

Luciel then began to wander around the camp, looking at all of the supplies that were being delivered, then he saw it, and he froze for the second time that day. Arrows, Luciel does not those flying projectiles one bit. 

It brought a bad taste to his mouth.

I was dancing with Julia that day. We were the stars of the party, as we had just announced our betrothal. All eyes were on us as we danced gracefully, and I remembered my hair tickling the back of my neck as a gust of wind rushes by me. 

There weren't any windows open, so why was there wind..? That's when he realized the arrow, sticking out of Julia's side. Maybe it was the initial shock that didn't allow him to see it at first, but as she stumbled, he caught her. Everyone at the party screamed in terror. 

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