Chapter 22 - Memories

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Remember to ask questions for the Q&A, that ends upon the release of the 25th chapter!! You can either comment the questions , pm me, or post them on my message wall!!

Lori begins to shoot questions at Luciel, although she quickly realized that he is unresponsive and his body is slowly dropping to the floor. He is immediately rushed to the medical wing upon Lori's realizations.

She sweeps him off his feet that are failing him at the moment and she quickly runs to the closest medical wing, leaving a slight trail of blood in their wake. They most certainly got more than a few looks from passerbyers. A few nicer knights had questioned what had happened. Did Lori listen, no, she did not, she just kept on making her way down to the medical wing. William had peaked out of the office at one point, but had retrieved back upon realizing that he could figure out what happened later.

Nurses in the medical suite were basically shaking in their shoes when a very intense Lori rushed in with an unconscious Luciel in her arms. They have seen Luciel relatively often, but never this bad before. His arms having deep cuts in them, there were a few in his torso, and just a few on his legs. It was still enough to create a lot of blood loss.

The nurses thanked Lori for bringing the idiot to them, he was now dubbed the "purple haired idiot" in the nursing suite. With a bit of magic and raw skill they had patched up his wounds. Although, most of them grew very concerned for his mental state, because all of his wounds were self inflicted. They could tell he has a history with self harm, do to the little knicks of scars that littered his skin.

One might ask, oh well, what about scars from training so much? Well, Luciel was actually not the most open with his team, but with the nurses. Whenever Luciel came in with an injury they'd patch him up, and whenever he needed extra time there, some of them would sit around as Luciel told them bits of his life.

None of those stories involved training. From what they hear from everyone, early training can get entertainingly funny.

Unless Luciel is forgetting anything to do with his training, which they doubt he did any. Considering how often he's here after missions and training..

Luciel had been patched up and he was resting, meanwhile.. their team has spiraled down into hell. Klaus was worried out of his mind for Luciel and Langris was simply dying with curiosity. Lori, was also rather mentally strained at the moment. What would happen to Luciel.

There's always at least one new recruit that is mentally unstable. What usually happens is they go through questions, get them diagnosed and have them go with therapy for a while in between training and chores. Doing regular things, to see if they can actually handle being a magic knight.

They screen everyone every year as a procedure, and they usually get 1 and 4 knights with some sort of mental issue. Although they just go to therapy regularly, add certain things to their diet, among other things, and they're usually good for the most part.

Either way, back on topic, Lori had returned to dinner normally but it was done either way, so she just took the boys back to their room.

Langris went directly to his desk to try to figure out what Luciel had done on several pieces of scrap paper.

May the night of fun times begin.

Lori didn't sleep, laying down in bed, but not even being capable of closing her eyes properly without imagining what Luciel had done. There was blood everywhere. If Lori hadn't shown up at the time she did Luciel probably would be dead. She's not going to think of the possibilities.

Lori had got up out of her bed and left her room slowly, making her way to Luciel's room with a bag. This was a regular procedure. Cleaning out the room for anything that could be used for self harm.

She had walked in, and wanted to throw up at the stench of blood. Luciel's blood. The once happy how lucky boy had to be one of her favorite.

She plucked up anything and put it into the bag. Belts, razors, scissors, knives. Standard procedure. She changed the sheets, despite not finding any blood on them. She changed them anyways, because anything could be a trigger.

She looked down at the floor, there was a trail of blood leading from the bathroom to the door. Lori sighs, she should have thought of this earlier, but, Luciel won't be able to stay in his own room for a bit, blood all over the room and all, plus they still need to sort through his things. Lori looks around the room, smiling a bit, finding knick-knacks from their previous missions. Tiny chicken figurines, some random pieces of clothing with the pricetag still on. 

How had Lori ever missed the signs, they were littered everywhere.. Lori had left the bag at the entrance of the room as she left. Right outside of the door was Klaus, who as he realized it was not Luciel behind the door, his faced dropped. "What happened to Luciel?" Klaus had asked, trying to sneak a glance into the room.

"He-he will tell you if he wants to," Lori chokes on her words bit, her hair seemed rather disheveld a bit, and her eyes tired. "Also, Luciel can't exactly stay in his room, and you're a better option than Langris," -there's a muffled shout from Langris' room- "but, would you allow Luciel to stay in your room for the night?" Lori asks. 

"Of course he can, I wouldn't mind at all," KLaus blushes slightly, but his mind yells at him, as that is not the time for that!! 

A small smile graces Lori's tired face, "thank you, Klaus, I'm going to get some rest, you should try to as well.." She hums as she walks back into her room after locking Luciel's door. Klaus didn't go backc into his room, he sat and waited for Luciel, and perks upa bit at every little sound, such as clucking,  but at around 3 o' clock, he heard the clicking of footsteps.. In all of that time waiting for Luciel's return, Klaus felt all the more anxious. 

Klaus jumps up and stares down the dimly lit hallway. There he saw Luciel, looking painfully defeated. His hair a mess and not even up in it's regular ponytail. His shoes not even tied, he wasn't even wearing his regular jacket, with his arms done up in lots of gauze, he could spot slight droplets of blood seeping through. 

Klaus rushes forwards, trying to remain quiet, "What happened??" He questions worridly. Luciel remains silent as he wraps his arms around Klaus' torso tightly. 

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