Chapter 11 - Rescuer

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This chapter will be in Klaus' PoV!

Taking a few deep breaths Klaus stares throughout the room and instantly spots the purple, haired idiot sleeping away in the corner of the dirty room. His purple hair an absolute mess, very tangled, with some grime in it as well. Although he doesn't seem shaken, or hurt in any way, maybe a few bruises here and there, but overall, he's fine.

Over in the other corner, close to a muched up window is the suspect. Louis is his name, Klaus believes, having overheard his name at the bar. Quivering in the corner with his bulky, sweaty hands raised in a fearful demeanor, as i to surrender/ Klaus could see Luciel's black and silver grimiore on the floor. Wonder what he saw in there to make him so shaken up? Klaus shrugged, he could ask Luciel later.

"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of approximately 25 women!" Klaus states, pointing an accusatory finger at Louis, who is nodding rapidly, quickly muttering under his breath with redundancy, "please don't hurt me..!" His shaking palms already being pulled behind his back by Klaus. 

Klaus, grabbing a random spool of rope on the floor ties up the culprit. Bounding his legs and arms, so that he couldn't escape. Unless the knot wasn't tight enough. But Klaus is pretty sure that it is. He went to classes for this, and they better not be going to waste when he needs them. Now the main problem is how to get both Louis and the idiot Luciel out of the warehouse.

After thinking for a few minutes, Klaus decides on the best solution.. Quietly kneeling down beside Luciel, Klaus raises a hand, taking a deep breathm and then sharply slaps Luciel across the face, shouting, "Wake up you idiot!" 

With a few profanities, a shook Luciel jumps up, holding his stinging cheek, "What the hell was that for, you handsome bastard?!" He slurrs at Klaus angrily. "Mind you I was taking a delightful nap and then you just waltz along and bitch slap me!!" Luciel states drunkenly, crossing his arms in a childish annoyance as he sits up, glaring tensely at Klaus, who looks like he really doesn't need this right now. 

Klaus, who blushes slightly at the 'handsome' comment, quickly retorts, "I was waking you up, because I can't carry this guy," he nods over towards a tied up, fearful Louis, "and you at the same time." He explains curtly, as if it were obvious, because it is.

"Well you didn't have to bitch slap me!" Luciel huffs with a slight, drunken whine, standing up, his arms still crossed in a childish manner. Once he stands up, he fixes the wrinkles in his dress, pulling it further down his leg. That, Klaus is thankful for. Why, but he just feels a sense of relief when this happens. 

"Well there was no other way to get you up quickly," Klaus responds, walking back over to the suspect and grabbing the rope, and securing it a bit more first. "So, are you ready to go, moron?" Klaus asks. "We need to get him back to HQ quickly, and then get Lori and Langris down here to gather the women." Klaus then further explains, looking back at the salty Luciel.

Rolling his eyes, and not wanting to admit that Klaus is right, Luciel responds, "Bite me." Cross his arms he gathers his things that were sprawled messily across the mucked up floor. "Of course he has to make a mess out of my stuff.." Luciel huffs.

Looking around the room calmly, a bit disgusted by the gross state of the small, once storage room. He couldn't wait to get away from this place, and this poor, small town in general. Maybe  Vangaence will cut them a break after this mission? Probably not, as he hasn't even spent a month in the squad yet. 

Dragging Louis out of the room, and down the hallway, Luciel picks up his stuff, and abandoning some items. As they've gone passed the point of return, to dirty with muck. While walking through the hallway they get to the main storage room. "Why don't we rescue the girls here..?" Luciel asks, taking a look around at the terrible state the women were in.

Most were naked, shaken up, dirty, sweaty, and over all quite starved. Luciel looks away before he throws up. He doesn't need that right now. When he needs to be strong. 

"Do you think only the 2 of us could save all 25 of them?" Klaus asks, rather sarcastically.

"Klaus, I'm pretty sure they can all walk.." Luciel comments, closing his eyes, not wanting to view the scene before him.

"Do you think they would listen to us, or be able to keep up for that matter..?" Klaus questions, not even looking back at Luciel as he trudged on, pulling along a still terrified Louis.

"You're a terrible hero," Luciel deadpans, keeping his gaze forwards, not wanting to see the women all crying for his help.

"I signed up to be a magic knight not a hero," Klaus explains, softly, rather solemnly.

Luciel rolls his eyes, as they make it out into the night, the air is cooler out here, and it's easier to breathe, the drunken Luciel then states, "But isn't a knight supposed to save people..? Klaus you're the smart one..! You should be thinking of these sorts of things!" He laughs. 

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