Chapter 3 - First Day

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The 3 newest Golden Dawn members sit infront of William Vangeance. Their new leader. "Hello there, new suboordinates." William greets, slight smile on his face, opening his violet eyes to face the rookies.

Klaus, sitting up, back straight and his hands in his lap. Langris Vaude, sits in a similar position as Klaus, although much less stiff, much more confident. Luciel, he looks like he doesn't really care. Slumped in his chair, his left arm hangs at his side with his right hand is behind his neck.

This sitting position irritating Klaus to no end. Although he didn't really speak up, finding that now is not the time to ridicule Luciel for his lazy position.

"So, you are all of this years suboordinates, as I've stated before." William states pleasantly. "In Golden Dawn we take everything quite seriously," he spares a glance at Luciel who instantly straightens his position at Vangeance's passive agressive threat. "So we create groups of 2 or 3 rookies, lead by an experience member as a safety precaution and to ensure successful missions." Vangeance explains, looking at the 3.

"So the 3 of you, Klaus Lunette, Langris Vaude, and Luciel Karu will be our newest squad. Being lead by Lori Blake." Vangeance explains, nodding his head to everyone as he speaks. "She currently is not here, so your introduction to her will have to wait for the moment. Vangeance glances at the stack of Golden Dawn cloaks, grabbing them one by one and handing them to each teen.

Luciel stares at it with a bit of disgust before stating, "It clashes with my eyes."

Klaus rolls his eyes, "It is a great honor to even be holding that cloak." He hisses. "Plus, it matches your coat quite well."

"What even is this color?" Luciel states, gesturing to the muddy yellow on the base of the cloak.

Vangeance lets out a sigh, "Well, you have to wear it anyways, you can figure out how to edit it to your liking later."

Luciel lets out a huff, then pulling the cloak around his shoulders while muttering some profanities under his breath. Once the cloak is on Luciel, Vangeance slides open a drawer in his desk. Handing it to everyone. "Go wait outside, Lori will be with you in a moment." He states, the 3 boys grabbing their room keys.

Luciel grins as he greedily grabs his and just before he walks out of the room, Klaus and Langris already out, Vangeance speaks up, "Also, Luciel, any signs of treachery from you and you are out before you can say 'oops'."

Turning back a bit, Luciel gulps before nodding, quickly exiting the room. Also Luciel walks out he sees a woman walking towards them. Her long light blue hair tied in a braid that falls down passed her shoulders. Her sharp eyes are silver and her gaze terrifying. A piece of hair falls into her face.

She wears a blue shirt underneath a graceful, silver armour, that covers her voluptuous chest, Also wearing a chain mail skirt that loosely folds around her armored legs. The 3 boys cower in fear at the woman, catching sight of her glinting broadsword on her back. Also wearing armored gloves that go up to her elbow. Then of course, the signature blue and gold, Golden Dawn Cloak.

Although, quite surprisingly, none seemed interested in her (romantically). Probably because she looked about ready to kill them.

She doesn't even sniff in their direction when she states, "Come along, brats, I'm going to show you around and I'm not going to repeat myself." Then strutting off the 3 boys follow eachother, sending glances at each other questioning 'Lori Blake'.

Lori only shows them a few places, such as the dining hall, public bathrooms, training rooms, the kitchen, and the infirmary.

At the kitchen she explains, "We do have private cooks, although here we mainly have different teams cook; to save money, and to make more well-rounded individuals." She explains, gesturing towards to kitchen stocked with every decent cook's desired wares. "You will find a schedule in your room."

The 3 stay silent, hoping not to piss Lori off, because they had a feeling that if they did, something bad would happen. They were quite right considering the reactions of several different members of Golden Dawn that passed, many of them straying away from the path of the tyrant woman.

"This next room is the training room. This is used for sparring, without magic, and for the usage of equipment that cannot be fit into every room." She explains. The 3 boys peak into the room and find mostly lean men sparring incredibly quickly. Although some burlier men could be found lifting weights that scared Luciel quite a bit.

Klaus took note of that.

Loei leads the three boys down to a corridor with 4 doors. "Down this corridor is your rooms. Your room numbers are labeled on your keys." Lori explains and then unlocking her door, as if the 3 others didn't know how to do that already before walking inside.

Before all of the boys rush to their rooms, Lori peaks her head out, "Also, meet up outside in the corridor around 6." She states before going back in and slamming her door, there being an audiable click as she locks the door.

As Luciel walks into his room he lets out a sigh of relief to get out of the intense presence of Lori. Plopping down on the bed with a groan, he has half a mind to just curl up in the covers and just pass out. Using his magic hurts like hell.

His magic should probably be explained at this point. His voice is pretty persuasive although someone with a strong enough mentality can resist it. It can be 'strengthed' if he knows more about the person he's talking to.

Another one of his abilities is to create the fears of someone, he can only use them for an hour though before he has to find a new person. This is triggered the moment he looks into the eyes of someone whose fears he knows. It cannot be changed within the hour.

His Grimiore is pretty much just an address book, keeping tabs on everyone and updating as soon as information is gained, also produce pictures if magic is used. If he flips to a certain person's page and looks into their eyes he can bring up memories of either their worst memory, or their best memory.

With a groan Luciel rolls out of the bed and decides to explore the grand room. His queen-sized, four poster bed being stuffed in the top left corner, it's sheets and comforters are red, blue, and gold. At the foot of the bed is a desk, with a filing cabnit at it's side. Right next to the bed is a small nightstand with a lamp with a blue shade. There is also a blue lamp on the desk.

On the same wall the bed is against, is a corkboard with a calander on it. Written on the calander with small, neat handwriting on a few days is the day's his group is required to cook, clean, and train. On the wall the door is on, is another smaller desk that looks like either a display table or a place to eat, a small, blue cushioned stool by the table. On the right side of the table is the door.

On the next wall, the one of the right, is another door more towards the bottom, upon opening this door, Luciel finds a bunch shelves stocked with extra clothes, shoes, and ugly Golden Dawn cloaks. There is also an apron hanging on the inside of the door.

On the same wall on the right is another door, between the two doors is a blue lamp attached to the wall.

Opening this door he finds himself in a bathroom. With a single cell shower right across from the toilet, you have to go up a small step to reach a built in cupboard containg a single set of soap, shampoo, and conditioner. The rest being towels. Across from the cupboard is the sink, underneath the sink is more cleaning supplies.

With a groan, Luciel walks out of the bathroom, glancing at his clock right next to his corkboard reads 5:55. With an exaggerated sigh, Luciel walks out of his room, to find the rest of his team waiting around in the hall for Lori to come out of her room.

"Gosh, what's taking her so long.." He groans, pretty much slamming his door shut and slumping down against it.

Klaus glares at Luciel, "It is not even the designated time to meet up yet, you are the one who decided to arrive early."

Luciel rolls his eyes, sending a glare at Klaus, crossing his arms.

"He's right you know." Langris comments, smirk on his face as he adjusts his hair dirty-blonde hair. Luciel mumbles something under his breath in a bit of an obviously mocking tone, making speaking motions with his hand.

The group turns towards the door as it opens, and Lori walks out, "Come along, we're going to the Arena." She demands walking off without another word.

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