Chapter 9 - Bar

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I chose the number this time and it is.. 20!

Last minute throw ons!

Very ironic.

Luciel froze like a deer in headlights, closing his eyes, and then processing the information and situation. Okay.. so I am currently deceiving this man who possibly A. Wants to take his organs. B. Sell him or C. Let's not talk about C.

Maybe even all 3, will occur..

Opening his intense, green eyes a little, he looks over at the blue-haired suspect. Luciel's being too quiet, it's suspicious. "Oh nothin' really, just hopping out to get a drink!" Luciel laughs in response, raising the pitch of his voice a bit.

Klaus looks over, careful not to raise suspicion by staring too long. He writes something down onto his clipboard and the bartender, ignoring obvious harassment of a 'woman' leans over and asks Klaus in very unenthusiastic, dry tone, "Hey, bud, I don't know what you're doing, but what's with the clipboard..?"

"I am inspecting." Klaus simply states , rather bluntly at that, "and so far you have a bad review." Klaus pushes up his glasses with a snort, and closes his eyes in exasperation.

Back with Luciel, he then asks the suspect, who really needs to be called 'the suspect' less. "So, what's your name?"

"Well, lil lady, I go by many names.. but you can call me Louis." 'Louis' introduces chipperly, a strong country accent on his tongue. "So yeh have a name?" Louis asks, Luciel cringing a bit at the distasteful accent.

Luciel paused for a moment, thinking of a good name. He suddenly realized how many people he hates. "Angelica." He responds, quickly reminding himself internally to sound female. He runs his fingers through his purple locks.

"Angelica huh? You sure are new around here!" Louis laughs heartily, pulling Luciel closer to his side. Luciel tenses up, his breath hitching not liking the close contact.

Pushing through feeling of disgust in his gut, Luciel laughs out, "Yeah! My husband can be such a little twat some times!" Well, that isn't a total lie, but Langris is most definately not Luciel's husband. He's pretty sure Langris already been betrothed to someone.

"Yeah I saw the two of you wanderin' around the markets. He seemed so stuck up!" Louis states, seemingly recalling his time at the market, watching Luciel buy an unholy amount of chicken merchandise. (Then smashing a few figurines viciously, yelling at a 'twat' named "William") Most likely and Ex.

"Aye! Bartender! Can I get a drink for the lady here?!" Louis's shouts to the curly haired bar tender, waving a few bills in the air. The bartender nods, taking the money. Luciel's eyes light up unconciously at the prospect of getting to drink free alcohol without any consequences (other than a hang over). Despite it being cheap alcohol.

"So what would you like." A few phrases crosses Luciel's mind to describe the bartender. Relatively civilized, douchey, an asshole. So pretty much Langris.

Best thing to do would be to get some alcohol. Might as well get drunk! "Hell with it! Let's get some shots!" He announces loudly, ignoring the several looks he got from everyone. Ignoring Klaus shaking his head in the background.

Klaus, in order to keep up the act of an inspector, waits for the bartender, who has introduced himself as Miro. Looking through the kitchen, Klaus doesn't require any ID at all. Miro just takes his word for it, it's not like the kid cares or anything. Writing down a few notes, he could probably turn them into Lori, or Vangeance later.

Maybe they want to actually start checking things once in a while.

Over at the bar, Luciel stares at the bottle of vodka before him, along with the several shot glasses stacked next to the bottle, "Firs' time Angie? Drinkin' shots?" Louis asks, pouring his own and down it with a few moments.

"Nope!" Luciel asks, getting excited as he carefully grabs a glass and fills it. Slamming the filled glass to the table, his hand covering the top to keep anything from spilling out, Luciel downs it with a howl.

Louis laughs, actually quite surprised by the noble. "Never expect you to know how to do a shotgun! Especially on your first go!"

"Like I said, this isn't my first time drinking!" Luciel laughs, downing another one.

As Klaus inspects the freezer, if you could even call it that, he shakes his head. He has many reasons to, he could have this entire time while inspecting, but at this particular moment he feels like he should.

Drinking an amount of alcohol that no 15 year old should be allowed to consume, Luciel is quite drunk. He even starts forgetting about the mission, something you should not do when you're on a mission.

He begins to yell at Louis, pushing him off him a bit, "What the hell are ya doin' buddy?!" He screams.

"Angelica! Calm down, you're drunk!" Louis cries, trying to calm down the angry drunk, 15 year old.

Without a moments hesitation, Luciel passes out, and lands into Louis' chest with a small 'thud'. KLaus soon realizes the commotion going on outside, and watches as Luciel is carried away. By the suspect, and he exits the bar.

Bit of a crackish chapter but, I needed something to push this arc forwards so here we are.

Pick a number! Any number!

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