Chapter 16 - Teamwork

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When Luciel awoke he wasn't feeling very well. It wasn't physical, it was mental. He was just confused and anxious. Going into his closet he looks through his clothes now very picky about what he's wearing. He goes for his regular coat of course, as it acted as a sort of "security blanket" most of the time. He grabs the rest of his Rahul at clothes and shoes.

Gabbing a jewelry box he opens it and grabs a ring and puts it on over his glove. It was a elegant band that was gold that looped around his middle finger in a vine like way as tiny flowers carved out of diamonds bloomed here and there. He liked this ring. It wasn't an engagement ring of anything, it was a promise ring.

A promise that he had made about a year ago.

Leaving his room surprisingly early the only one out there is Klaus and Lori. To which Lori comments, "you're up early."

"Eh, couldn't sleep," Luciel yawned, covering his mouth with his hand.

"What's the ring for, Luciel?" Klaus had asked, taking notice of the gold band.

Luciel rolls his green eyes, "none of your business, pie face."

After waiting for a few minutes in a tense silence, Langris finally emerges from his room like snake. He then comments with a snide tone as he exits, "look at that, Luciel's actually up..!"

"I couldn't sleep dimwit," Luciel hissed.

"Nah I bet you just wanted to see your crush" Langris states with a smirk. Luciel look rather disgusted but on the inside his heart stopped for a moment. Klaus went a bit rigid.

There's a moment of awkward silence before Lori claps her hands and announces, "Foureyes, ponytail," she looks over at Luciel and Klaus, "Vangeance wants you," she states. "Vaude, you're with me."

Thus, the group splits up, Lori and Langris walking down to the dining room and Klaus and Luciel to the office of William Vangeance. Both equally scared, Klaus a bit smug. Mainly due to the fact that Luciel was the aggressor in the conflict, so he will most likely get all of the punishment. Otherwise, Luciel, was still rather shook from his nightmare/memory of last night, with his skin still tingling. Phantom pains of a corset pressing against his ribcage itch upon his skin. 

As he walked down to William's office, he twists the ring upon his middle finger, trying to remember his promises. So, thy finally make it to William's office. Luciel goes to open the door, but then, Klaus grabs his wrist, "You fool, don't just open the door like that!" He whisper shouts at Luciel, who sends the teen a glare.

"Now, why in the world would I knock? He's expecting us!" Luciel shoots back, pushing against Klaus, and elbowing him out of the way and he opens the door. As the two boys walk in, one a bit more exasperated than the other. The two blink as there is the flapping of white wings in William's lap, along with a series of cluck. Whatever sort of bird was on his lap.. is now located under the desk. 

The two boys decide to ignore the uncomfortable William, attempting to keep the chicken residing under his desk from escaping with an awkward smile. 

"So, I have been informed that the two of you have been fighting, correct?" William asks, folding his hands, looking down at a series of papers on his desk. Most of them being accounts of Luciel harassing Klaus and the likes. "Although the problem is obviously Lucie, as he starts most of your fights.." William shuffles the papers, coughing loudly over a bunch of clucks. 

Klaus gains a smug smirk, but then Luciel begins to yap, "But he started it!" The green eyed boy whines childishly in an attempt to protest any upcoming punishments. "He poured water on me!"

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