Chapter 10 - Sleaze

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This is gonna be in Louis' PoV.

After dragging Angelica(Luciel) into an abandoned towel workshop, that has been transformed into a warehouse for human goods, Louis drops the unconscious teen onto the floor. Other women lazing around carelessly only send small, sideways glances towards the purple-haired newcomer.

Angelica lets out a small grunt at the rough treatment, as Louis finally decides to take a look into the giant bag that she was lugging around with him. In it he finds standard womanly things. Make up, a wallet, mints. A few more objects within the purse, that are a bit more questionable.

A grimiore, jeez lady, why keep it with you? Tape, seriously know needs tape? Unless she taped her shoes on? When she walked she kind of waddled uncomfortably.. maybe. Some sort of charm..? The charm is a rat skeleton, decorated with a bunch of gems, with feathers handing off of it's limbs. Louis has no idea what this is for and he's not going to question it. Then.. he finds a really big knife.

Like the thing is a comically large, rusty butter knife. This purse is like the clowncar of purses!

Well the purse sure is full of weird objects that no woman should have on her! Maybe they could sell for something? Probably not a lot.

Her Grimiore is strange though. With the center decorated with a single, silver 5 leaf clover, each leave allows a silver tendril to rush around the book and grasp the edges of the neat, black cover. In the center of the clover, this is a green gem that seemingly glows under the dim candle light in the room.

Maybe Louis could pry off the silver, melt it down then sell it? But it was a pretty rare grimiore, is it even a grimiore? It has 5 clover leaves. Not 3, not 4.. 5!

Opening the book he flips through the pages. Gaining the general gist of the magic within the grimiore. Although.. there were a few empty pages that are mysteriously empty. He has to wonder what they could be. There's honestly not much that Fear Magic, what Louis is calling it for now, can branch off too.

Then Louis finds something interesting, near the back of the book. It slipped his vision the first time but now.. now he sees a sort of address book. Except a really detailed address book.

The pages are compiled of all of the people Luciel has met. Shop merchants, family, friends, acquaintances. Everyone.

In the top right corner of the page was a photo of the person. The uppermost section of the page is standard information(height, weight, age, name, etc.) although the bottom of the page is much more interesting. Opinions, relationship, nearly every detail of every interaction(including opinions).
Best of all, the magic that they use.

Getting curious, Louis flips to his own page. There are 2 pictures instead of one. He raises a brow at the one in the corner. Himself without a disguise. The other, his current self.
Looking at the general information, he's honestly shocked at the gathered info.
Name: Suspect( he says he's Louis but I don't think so)
Age: 22
Birthday: May 5
Weight: 197 lbs
Height: 5'7"

The bottom, of the page.
First impression: "what a sleaze, is that really the kidnapper of 25 women?"

Louis froze, she knows, he slowly turns towards the woman, who is currently snoring away on the damp, stone flooring. As if he expected her to jump up and yell, "You're under arrest!" But, Luciel did not. He simply continued snoring away as if he were not currently kidnapped.

Sill quite anxious, Louis quickly scrolls through more of the pages. They may come in handy at one point. A few merchants, although, Louis recognizes 3 people instantly. 

Her twat of a husband, a merchant/inspector, and the merchant/inspector's sister. 

He decides to go with her Husband first. He could sell her for ransom if the pay isn't high enough. 

There, in the top corner of the page, is of course her 'husband'. 

Name: Langris Vaude. 

Louis eyes widen at that, looking over at Angelica. This girl's a cash cow!

Gender: Male

Well duh! Who would marry, or be betrothed to someone of the same gender?

Age: 15

Relationships: Betrothed to- Finesse...

What. Is her name not Angelica..? Has she been lying to him? Well duh, she has been lying to him, she already knows what he's doing. Something is up, and Louis wants to know what it is now.

First impression: "What an arrogant twit."

Angelica.. Finesse... Louis is so confused.. Angesseica, thought her husband(if she even is) to be an arrogant twit? Langris, of the house of Vaude? An arrogant twit? No no no, she must have the wrong guy.

Getting away from that nightmare, Louis turns to the next page. The merchant/inspector. Shouldn't be too bad.. right?

There he sees the blue haired merchant/inspector, in all of his blue haired glory. 

Name: Klaus Lunette

That is all Louis needs to know, that by targeting ANgelica, he has screwed himself over. Just by reading Lunette, and by looking at the amount of words on the pages for Langris and Klaus. He knows that they're all together for some sort of mission. Involving him. 

He doesn't need to read on any further, and he picks up Angelica, carefully, who knows what would happen to him if he didn't. Setting the girl across the room from him, Louis carefully piles things in front of the door to block it. There's a small window in the room but it's mucked up with dirt. SO no one should be able to see inside. 

Looking through the crates, Louis grabs a few dusty towels and makes a small bed for Angelica in the corner. He is not dealing with this. HE never did wanted to get involved with the royal knights! This job just paid well! He's going to give the girl back as soon as the magic knights give up. 

He's going to leave her passed out in the bar, they'll find her, hopefully. Louis hears a crash, and several cries for help from the locked up women. With wide eyes, Louis scrambles to get the window open, achieving an adreneline rush upon hearing the sound of doors breaking in getting closer. 

Then, after a few pounds on the door, several lances crash through the door. Through the rubbling of those poor, poor towels, is Klaus Lunette, panting lightly as he yells, "Luciel Karu, I swear to god that I WILL beat you!"

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