Chapter 13 - Salty

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Yes, that is glitter in his hair.

Luciel awoke with a start, screaming his lungs out, as he feels cold water splashed onto his face. His emerald green eyes shoot open as he flies upwards, and stumbles out of bed from the sheer shock, and rage throughout his hungover being.

Although, as he gets up, he feels a sudden light-headedness and a migraine coming on. Looking around the room with blurred vision. As he had just woken up, and the before mentioned water clings to his eyelashes. Rubbing his eyes to get a better look at the perpetrators he spots Klaus, standing before him rather awkwardly. Holding a silver bucket in his hands.

"I can explain," Klaus states quickly, looking around the room wildly. For someone. Alhough, he always looks back at Luciel who looks quite angry at the moment. Fuming is an understatement. The best description of Luciel's mood as of right now, would be 'having the wrath of a thousand suns".

"Klaus," Luciel pauses, taking a deep breath, as his head is pounding as of right now, "there is no explanation for this." He says, his tone deadly and a bit velvety. Looking up at Klaus. He gestures towards his wet clothes from last night. Although a bit more disshevaled.

A blush starts speading across Klaus' face as he watches the water sink into Luciels light colored dress. Looking away he states, "Go get changed..!" Before he quickly scurries out of the room. Klaus looks down at himself, and is thororughly flushed in the face.

Gathering his regular clothes swiftly, Luciel rushes into the bathroom, although he regrets moving so quickly as he stumbles a bit walking into the bathroom, then getting rid of anything leftover that remains in his stomach, quite unexpectedly really. With a groan, and wiping down his lips. He looks into the mirror.

His hair is a purple mess, but still loosely in it's previous state. He has dark circles and bags under his eyes as well.

Hopping into the shower he get's himself somewhat cleaned up. Forgetting about anything that went down last night. He only remembered that they were in a bad part of town. That compelled him to clean with extra tedium.

After getting done with washing himself, he felt relatively better.. Still a bit hungover. Drying off quickly, and getting dressed. Lruciel bushes his hair and teeth sloppily, his inner perfectionist on vacation for the moment.

Walking outside his room, he only see's William Vangeance before him, who swiftly explains, "Everyone else has gone training."

"Alright.. So how I get going..?" Luciel says awkwardly, and stratched out, pointing a finger in the vague direction of the training room.

"Oh, you're going to be doing a different kind of training," WIlliam then explains, sounding rather evil at the moment. Luciel currently looks shook, something other than physical training..? "You're going to be learning the art of interrogation." William smirks.

"Interrogation?" Luciel asks, his interest piqued just a bit. It was better than physical training..

William smirks at the interest shown in Luciel, "You will be going to the Green Mantis for training. As, Golden Dawn is really one for harboring interrogation specialists."WIlliam states. "So, just go to the front room and your escort should be there."

Luciel nods, although he regrets doing so as his headache pounds. He starts walking down the hallway, and grows confused as to where to go. Blink away in the hallway, he spots Klaus across the way. "Luciel!" Klaus calls, Luciel sends glare over at the teen.

"What?!" Luciel shouts, although grasping his head, as the scream had caused a very strong headache. Klaus, rushes across the hallway, helping the stumbling Luciel up.

There is then a loud slap resonating throughout the corridor. "Don't touch me." He says, tone deadly, Grabbing Klaus' glasses and breaking them in half before walking along. He overhears Lori call out to Klaus, telling him that the break is over. Despite it only lasting about 15 seconds.

Luciel finally makes his way to the entrance, spotting his escort. A lean build woman stands before him, just a year or 2 older than him.

She has long, black hair that reaches her mid back in a low ponytail. Only being brought together at the bottom. She has a lean build that is only hid by a Green Mantis Squad. She only things that she wore was a mask to hide her lower face, a pair of black, leather shorts that reach her mid thigh, and a black bra holding up her supple bosom.

A pair of knee high, black boots adorn her feet(and legs). Attached to her belt is a large sword with a hooked point. Along the belt, hangs several other throwing knives. Luciel ios now glad that he did not join Green Mantis, because from the looks of it, everyone is scary and lacking clothes.

Is that their uniform or something?!

"Jack the Ripper? More like Jack the Stripper," Luciel thinks to himself.

The woman raises an eyebrow, "What did you say about my brother..?" She asks, more scary than Lori, because he knows that Lori has some sort of restraint!

She throws a knife in his direction. As it whizzes passed him, Luciel just barely not get his eye taken out. She huffs, and retracts it with a string that was tied to the knife, sliding it back into place. "Wh- what- what I said was.." Luciel takes a momen to think, "Jack the Ripper, more like Jack the Killer!" Luciel laughs, sheepishly scratching the back of his head, laughing.

"You got that right," the older girl huffs, closing her golden eyes, whipping around and strutting out the door, the heels on her boots clicking.

At the Base of Green Mantis, Luciel is shook. As he walks in he is met by a living room covered with dark green couches, on the left side of the room is a bar, on the other side is an area dedicated to gambling. Right next to the bar is a sort of trap door, which is where this woman leads him, open its it, and pushes the hung-over teen down.

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