(08) Jungkook Comes to Visit

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Namjoon's POV

Namjoon stared down at his cup of orange juice and couldn't help but smile thinking about Y/N. "She's amazing... that's for sure..." he talked to himself. Interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing, he made his way to the bedroom to answer it. 

The caller ID read 'Jungkook' and Namjoon's face twisted up in confusion as he answered the call. "Hello-"

"Hyung, I'm here. Can you open the door?" Jungkook spoke and Namjoon sighed. Running a hand through his hair. 

The sound of the doorbell traveled throughout the entire house. "Why are you here Jungkook?"  He didn't mind Jungkook being there but Y/N was in the house and Namjoon wasn't sure how she would feel meeting Jungkook. 

"Kim- Oppa... should I open it?" Y/N asked as soon as Namjoon peeked through his bedroom door. Pointing at the door. Namjoon remained quiet and began thinking of how to introduce her. The doorbell rang other multiple times and Namjoon was still thinking. Y/N just turned to the door knowing that Chanyeol would be woken up if it went on any longer. "Sir, I'm opening the door," she announced and made her way to the entrance.

Namjoon rushed behind her but she was already at the door. Opening it, Jungkook rushed in with great excitement. "What took you so long? Were you naked-" he turned to look at Y/N with a shocked expression. Y/N stood in front of him and slightly bowed. "Who...?"

"Good morning sir, I'm Y/F/N. Nice to meet you..." she kindly smiled. Literally shining and she bowed once again. "Please come on in, did you eat breakfast I wouldn't mind cooking something for you right about now." Namjoon was now a hundred percent positive she was an angel.  

Jungkook smiled and bowed at her. Shaking his head. "Please do not worry yourself, is Namjoon by any chance here?" she glanced over at Namjoon who nervously smiled, scratching the back of his head. Y/N moved out of the way and Jungkook rushed to Namjoon. Wrapping his arm around Namjoon's shoulder and he clicked his tongue. Glancing at Y/N who was picking up Jungkook's jacket which he had somehow taken off once he entered the house. 

Pulling him to Namjoon's office, he bowed one last time at Y/N before closing the door behind them.

"Dude what the fuck?" he started freaking out and Namjoon just sat down on the desk. Crossing his arms. "Who is the hottie in the living room right now?!"

Namjoon felt slightly irritated but shrugged it off knowing how Jungkook usually acted. "She's Chanyeol's babysitter. Why?" he saw Jungkook look with a small grin in his face. 

"Well, I thought after these two and a half years... you had finally moved on." He looked down at the ground. An unreadable expression on his face. Namjoon knew exactly was he was talking about. "How can you love someone who abandons her family just like that? Just for her own sake?" He continued to talk and Namjoon just looked at the picture frames by his desk. 

Although Namjoon didn't utter a word, Jungkook continued to speak. This time getting louder and angrier. "She can't even be called a mother just because she carried Chanyeol for nine months. She abandoned her child, leaving him alone with you. Because she believed that she could find something better out there. Something better than a family. That woman does not deserve to be called Chanyeol's mother. How can you still love her???" He went off, expecting to hear something from Namjoon. But Namjoon simply looked up with a small hint of sadness in his eyes. 

He scratched the back of his neck, not saying anything and looking away. "Why did you come here Jungkook? Do you need anything?" he changed the subject which instantly made Jungkook feel really guilty.

"Sorry Hyung... I just can't stand it..." he spoke and looked down at the ground. Namjoon shifted around and tapped the top of Jungkook's head. 

Jungkook 's frown turned into a smile thanks to Namjoon's character. He fished through his bag and handed Namjoon a bunch of papers from the rest of the other members and him. "What you asked for, the notes to the new song." He handed them to Namjoon. "I also wanted to see Chanyeol but-"

"NOOOOO!!! A loud yell came from the other side of the door. Chanyeol was loudly screaming in agony as if someone was attacking him. 

Namjoon dropped his things and put them down on the desk. Rushing to the living room. Seeing Chnayeol clinging to Y/N's leg and crying loudly. "Don't weave me Y/N~" he cried and Y/N nervously looked around in frantic. 

Namjoon walked towards both of them and Y/N apologized. "Sorry, he woke up while I was getting my things from the room..." 

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked and suddenly Chanyeol broke into fits of tears. Hugging Y/N who had crouched to try and calm Chanyeol down. 

Chanyeol waved his arms around and jumped up angrily. "She's weaving me and I don't want hew to" he cried and Y/N smiled kindly. Patting his head. 

Namjoon crouched down beside Y/N and Chanyeol, "But I'm staying here all day. You don't want to spend time with papa?" he asked and Chanyeol turned to Namjoon. Glancing at Jungkook and him then turning to Y/N. 

He seemed to be thinking about it but then he shook his head. "No. I want Y/N." At least his English was improving... Namjoon flinched at his tone and Y/N nervously giggled. 

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