(39) Overthink

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Your POV

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Your POV

This is not good. Not good at all. You paced back and forth, putting down your hood and running your fingers through your hair as calmly as you could before you started trying to rip it out.

"That was definitely a-"

"No!!!! Bwidge wight now!!" Chanyeol stomped his foot, his lips letting out a really loud and high-pitched. "Y/N said bwidge! Y/N, this no bwidge! This is home!!" He looked angry explaining the current situation as if you weren't aware of where the two of you were.

You stare at him wide eyed, not very used to Chanyeol being so bold and angry... especially directed at you. "Chan-"

"No! Chanyeol wan' bwidge!" The rain got louder on cue as if he was some sort of main character while his blue rain hat fell on the floor and he made no effort to pick it up. "You pwomised we could go outside... Y/N liar!!"

You glanced at Namjoon who looked concerned. When you look back at Chanyeol you just see him angry with tears almost at his eyes. It's not that the sudden burst of emotion wasn't expected but when mixed with the stress, your heart just couldn't stand it.

'Alright Y/N... breathe. This was just one misstep, you'll have this under control in no time.' You looked at the angry and crying Chanyeol. "Alright." You stepped to the kitchen, fully aware that the Kims were looking at you as you removed your shoes and crawled on the counter to reach a high cabinet.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Namjoon spoke but you didn't answer.

You looked through the many snacks you got Chanyeol when he was misbehaving. This time, it was Chanyeol's favorite cookies you had bought for him days ago. "Just give me a min- woah.." You almost fell back only to be met with Namjoon's hands holding you up.

"Cookies? Since when did you hide food around here?" The tone of his voice was amused, probably assuming you hid them for yourself.

You glanced at Chanyeol who's crying had stopped but his face was still flushed red with tears. He looked distracted by the cookies but seemed to try and pretend he was still angry despite the surely growing curiosity.

"Negotiating." You placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder, helping yourself down and close to Chanyeol.

He looked at you angrily but kept glancing down at the cookies. He crossed his arms and looked away with a big pout.

"Chanyeol." He looked away. "I'm sorry we couldn't go on a walk in the rain." You crouched in front of him, reaching for his small hand with your free one. "I promise you that we'll go out as soon as we can. Something came up and we couldn't go, I hope you understand I wouldn't have lied to you."

He sniffles a little and turns away from the wall to look at you. "You pwomise. No lie?"

You sigh in relief, somewhat glad that he wasn't angry at you. "No lie." You smiled and put the cookies on your lap, settling down. "So, I'll let you have some cookies with milk as an apology while daddy and I figure this out, ok?"

He nods, wiping his tears and walking to the dining room table to patiently wait for his cup of milk and his cookies.

Namjoon stands there with a wide grin on his face while standing in the way of the fridge. He seemed frozen in place, staring at you.

You stopped, looking at him. "What?"

He shook his head and placed a kiss on top of your forehead. "I'll deal with this. I'm sorry I was careless." His hands moved to cup your face and you found his smile to be contagious in this moment. "I really hope you don't freak out on me." He whispered softly and you tried not to think too much as to what that meant.

You pulled away from him, opening the fridge for the milk. "I'll be sure not to. You want some too?" You lifted the gallon up in his field of view for him to shake his head.

"I think I have a phone call to make."

You both share a look of acknowledgment with one another before he's leaving for his office.

While Chanyeol drank his milk and ate his cookies, you didn't catch a glimpse of Namjoon. The sun was already beginning to set and even Chanyeol had fallen asleep on the couch beside you.

You stared at the Tv, watching yet another video featuring Kim Namjoon's band and one of their many other accomplishments. He's just amazing... you start to nibble on your lip, watching the reporter talking about them.

You're just a college dropout working as a babysitter with minimum art skills. Kim Namjoon... your boss, world-famous idol- he's just way too high up for you to reach.

"Let's take you to bed." You whispered softly and picked Chanyeol up carefully as you could. He seemed to be getting heavier as he was also getting taller at a rapid speed. "You're growing too fast." You let out a huff before getting used to the weight of Chanyeol when you started walking to the bedroom.

Namjoon hadn't stepped out of his office for one second... not even to eat lunch or anything...

You try not to think much of it but in the back of your head, you started to wonder if it was because of you and your lack of skill. Now was probably as good as time as any to start opening that art shop again.

You had only done it when you were struggling during your college days- almost as a hobby. Just this time, it'd be to try and not be a bother to Namjoon.

'Alright, snap out of it. Being down in the dumps about things is not gonna be helpful' You shook your head to yourself and walked to your room to find a spare change of clothes to take a shower.

The bathroom was empty and perfect for you to overthink. You undress and hop into the shower, letting the water run over you. 'He's upset. You got him exposed. He's been more than three years without being exposed but you just had to pop up out of nowhere and ruin things for him.' You kicked the water on the shower floor, pouting to yourself before rushing to finish your shower.

You'll apologize to him as soon as you see him- yeah.

Drying your body off, you grabbed your clothes and put them on. The shorts clung to your skin tight as they were from that one time you tried volleyball during your high school days. The spandex shorts were hidden with the oversized shirt you wore.

You walked to your bedroom and closed the door behind you almost instantly before sliding down to the floor against the door, covering your face in frustration.

The sound of the camera replayed in your head a million times over and over again. Just how dumb did you have to be to get caught?

You shook your head and stood to look at your reflection in the mirror. "I look terrible..." you frowned, lifting your shirt up just above your stomach, you stared at the nakedness of your body. As you did so, you began to wonder what would have been Namjoon's reaction to seeing you bare in front of him. Chanyeol's biological mom herself was a literal beauty- a model- Hell, you can't even figure out how to dress without looking like a kindergarten teacher...

If you weren't sure before, now you're fully convinced that there is no way Namjoon would ever want to be seen in public with you. This accident is going to lead to you being dumped.

You were sure this was true.

The Babysitter - knjNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ