(05) Day 8: New Mama

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"Kiss me..."

"But what if... what if they see us...?" 

"Does it matter? Let them see."

You sat in front of the tv folding the laundry and Chanyeol pulled on the sleeve of your shirt. "Y/N,  kissu?" he asked and puckered his lips up. You giggled and backed up from Chanyeol. "Kissu Kissu" he spread his arms around you and tried kissing you on the lips. 

In the movie they continued to kiss, a deep blush spreading across your face as you quickly reached for the remote to change the channel. "Chanyeol, no kisses~" you moved him away from you. Putting the clothes down on the laundry basket. He pouted and tried to kiss you once again. 

"Y/N, kissu, kissu," he spoke and you couldn't help but giggle at him. 

Hugging him, you stood up and spun around with him in your arms. "Just one kiss, ok?" you gave him a big kiss on the cheek. A big laugh coming from him when he soon almost fell down on the couch. You blew a raspberry on his neck, a large number of giggles and laughs coming from him. "Look at your sweetface~" you cooed. 

The timer to the food went off. Both you and Chanyeol turned to food, cheering in excitement. "It's done!" you spoke and rushed to the kitchen, Chanyeol following behind you. "Chanyeol sit down by the table." You pointed at his chair and he quickly moved over to his seat.

While serving Chanyeol his small portion along with yours, Chanyeol began singing to himself in a low tone. "Kissu~ kissu~" he hummed. You spun around with both plates in your hands and just before you put the plate down, Chanyeol asked: "What's fow wunch?" 

"Lasagna!" you said, remembering that a few days ago Chanyeol was going off about how he wanted lasagna. All you did was ask your dad for the recipe and here you had it. Putting the plate in front of him, you handed him a small plastic spoon.

He smiled and began eating right away. "Now be careful sweetie... you don't want to leave a mess, ok?" You began eating from your plate. "Do you like it?" you asked and wiped the sauce off his nose while giggling to yourself. 

Chanyeol nodded and took another spoonful of the food. You giggled and continued to eat off your plate. Chanyeol talking and saying things but you couldn't understand him due to him eating and talking. 

After you both stuffed your faces with food, you walked to the tub and got it ready for Chanyeol. Washing the dishes, you heard a loud thud coming from the living room. A wave of panic washed over you which caused you to drop the plastic plate down on the sink and rush to the living room. "Chanyeol?! What ate you doing?!" you saw Chanyeol down on the floor but he seemed perfectly fine. Rushing to him, you sat down in front of him. "Don't scare me like that, you're ok right?"

"I dwopped the books..." he looked down at all the books with a frown. "Sowwy," he apologized and you smiled. Glad to see that he wasn't really injured. 

You ran a hand through his hair and picked up all the books before putting them all back in the tall table. Noticing there was a plushie that he was probably trying to get. "Is this what you want?" you handed him the plushie. "Be careful next time, ok?" you gave him a peck on the forehead as he ran off to play with the rest of his toys. 

After finishing the dishes, the bath was ready and you walked with Chanyeol to the bathroom. "No, you can't bring the plushies to the bath." Chanyeol tried to pull it away and pouted and insisted on it.

"Why can't Totowo come with, he nyeeds a bath too..." You sighed and put your hands on both his shoulders. Thinking of something to tell him to manage and convince him to do so.

"Right..." you trailed off "Totoro can't swim Chanyeol if you take him in the bath he will drown." Sure it wasn't light but it quickly convinced him, leaving Totoro by the door. You sat by the tub while Chanyeol splashed the water around. 

The bath was big and with lots of light flooding the place. Chanyeol looked up at you with a smile on his face. "Y/N," he looked up at you. "Awe you going to be Chanyow's nyew mama?"

Huh? You looked down at him with a shocked look on his face. It has only been a week since you've been with him. Why would he come up with it? Sighing, you fixed your hair. Water dripping down your neck as you smiled at him. "Chanyeol, listen..." you pulled out the little duck. Playing around with it in the water. "I am not your new mama, alright?" You pulled out another duckling. "I am helping your papa who is very busy all the time... There could be a time when you may have a new mama. She will love you a lot, alright?" 

You grabbed shampoo and washed his hair. He closed his eyes shut and you quickly washed it off. "So Y/N's not Chanyeol's new mama?" you shook your head and he slouched his shoulder. "Awww~ that's sad. Why not?" 

You giggled and pulled out his towel. "I don't know Chanyeol, now come on let's get out." Kim Namjoon would laugh if he heard Chanyeol asking such questions. He stepped out and you dried his body. Putting his small clothes on and pulling the blow drier off for him. 

When all done with the bath, it was nap time for Chanyeol and he was laying down on his futon. He insisted on you reading him a book and soon enough he was fast asleep. There you sat thinking about all the things you had done the entire day. Putting the book aside, you tried to sit up but Chanyeol was clutching onto you and you didn't want to wake him up.

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