(37) Nice

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Should I wrap up the story soon or should I write a little more to it? Let me know your thoughts :)
Your POV

You stop in front of the house. Namjoon was in the back seat, looking through his phone and you couldn't help but think he had become more distant since you had offered to have a date in his small apartment.

What was he thinking about?

You could only wonder, as you were still too afraid to speak up. Maybe he finds you to be way too suggestive? Maybe he's tired of you?

"Oh, Y/N-"

"Chanyeol must've fallen asleep right about now." You panicked, Shit. That was rude. Nevertheless, you swung the door open and walked out of the car.

You rushed to the door, knocking on it quickly while watching back to see Namjoon stepping out with a mask and hat to hide his identity.

The door was carefully opened by a very cautious Kim Seokjin. "Hello- oh it's Y/N- Hello~" he smiled and you bowed in his direction.

"Hello Kim Seokjin, I am so so sorry for what happened." You were allowed into the house and the place looked quite messy. "Oh..."

"I'm guessing the other person looks worse?" He tried making conversation as Namjoon closed the door behind him.

Your shoulders tensed up. It was none of your business to tell Kim Seokjin about Sunhee so you decided to stay quiet. "Err... I'm going to check on Chanyeol.."

You glanced in between Namjoon and Kim Seokjin to try and see if they'd say anything but they didn't.

"He was pretty angry when the two of you weren't here, so I had to think of the best distraction... which meant making a mess... sorry, I'll help you clean." He looked like a sad puppy, his eyes drifting to the floor in a guilty manner.

He's an idol, just like Namjoon, he has a busy schedule. There's no chance you'd ask him to help. "You don't worry about it, I'll take care of it in no time."

Turning on your heel, you turned to Namjoon's room and didn't say anything else. Chanyeol seemed to always refuse to sleep on his bed when his father wasn't there and your best guess was that Kim Soekjin let him.

You were still scared, Namjoon's 'Y/N' sounded serious. Deadly serious. 'I'm about to end this' serious.

You look around the room, not messy, might you add, and you watch Chanyeol sleeping peacefully with what looked like... his Totoro plushie. He looked calm, his body sticking out of the blanket. As you fixed his blanket, you found yourself frowning, Kim Namjoon wouldn't end it with you, right?

"I think papa's upset." You knew Chanyeol couldn't hear you while you moved around to cuddle the child. "I think I messed up big time" You don't know what you did but Namjoon has refused to even make eye contact since you stepped out of the studio a few hours after you guys had a chat about being intimate.

Chanyeol moved around to grab a hold of your hand that rested on his chest. He brought the big hand up to his face and snuggled into it. You don't want to leave him...

"I like your papa very much, Chanyeol. I like being with him and being with you is only a plus." Your words were barely a whisper while you spoke to yourself. You like the Kims very much, you knew it. "...I'm just starting to doubt he likes me." You ran circles on Chanyeol's small face and found it surprisingly calming.

At this point, you had a slight feeling that Seokjin was talking to Namjoon about the reason why you were scratched up. You were scared of what they were talking about.

Chanyeol opened his eyes briefly, whining quietly. "Mama..." he softly whispered, moving to cuddle you.

Your heart warmed and you decided to not think much about it. Whatever it was bothering you, you could deal with it when you woke up. You had to talk to Namjoon, you knew that. The talk you'll have to have might not be a good one but if you are allowed to stay with Chanyeol as the babysitter you are, you know it'll be better than abandoning him.

You took a deep breath and stared at the light coming from outside the dark room where you were.

You couldn't be a babysitter for the rest of your life. Now that you live with Namjoon in his guest room, you have to try and find a different job. You could try your art skills. You've sold things before, never seriously but enough to please your parents who were eager to get you a job.

You reach for your phone to see it was almost dead. Pulling out the small site you used to sell your art, you started scrolling through the old works you've done.

It was a good start. A smart idea in case Namjoon is already thinking of breaking up- but not technically breaking up with you since you two aren't dating. (The need for you to remind yourself this is very clear because you know that you'll begin to get too hopeful and cocky if you don't). If he does, your career is next. You've been giving Chanyeol too many cookies. That's a good reason to fire you...

As you thought of things, your eyes closed shut for a few seconds. You blinked again to see your phone had gone into rest mode.

Chanyeol cuddled you and you took a deep breath, knowing you were tired and didn't want to face Namjoon just yet.

At least you already had an idea of what to do. Your recovery plan didn't seem so bad. Worst case scenario, you move back in with your parents in your old childhood home where your father was transferred jobs.

"Chanyeol... I really hope your papa doesn't hate me." You spoke softly, your voice scratchy and your hand let go of the phone, accidentally having it fall on the floor but you didn't care due to you being too tired. The phone was hanging on to its last thread anyway.


You heard murmuring in the room where you were at. Chanyeol was still warm in your arms and you assumed Namjoon was towering over the two of you, talking to himself maybe. There was suddenly a sinking on the bed.

Oh, wait... you were in Namjoon's room, huh. You should probably get up.

In your half-conscious state, you tried to rise but anything down your shoulders refused to move. "Joon- I'll-"

His large hand found its way to your shoulder. "You're completely fine there...'' His voice was a gentle whisper and your thoughts raced back to earlier. You watched him move the covers in the dark room, the room now cooler than before while he got closer to create some warmth. "You're perfect here." His hand reached to lay on top of yours and you yawned, closing your eyes once again.

"You don't hate me?" You were maybe not as conscious.

He softly laughs. "Hate you?"

You hum. "You were distant. I'm sure you were gonna end whatever we have going on." There was a silence and you weren't sure if Namjoon had fallen asleep or if you had hit the nail on the head. "Joon?"

"I would never do that, Y/N... Hell, I'd probably do the opposite."

What does the opposite even mean?

"L-word opposite?"

He chuckles softly, getting closer to you and Chanyeol. "L-word positive. So don't worry and get some sleep." He raises his body a little, placing the softest kiss on your forehead and you swear you could just melt. "Goodnight Y/N."

You smile, snuggling the two Kims. "Goodnight Oppa."

Suddenly, you realized how warm it felt. Being next to them. It was... nice.

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