(43) Bath

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Your POV

"Why not?"

You stared at him a little wide-eyed, surprised by the sudden boldness. "Huh? I mean- why not what?" Your ears go red as you look up at him. Maybe you didn't hear him right or maybe it was just a misunderstanding from your end.

"The bath is big enough, we can just sit in the bath- there are bubbles and- of course not if you don't want to- I don't wanna force- just forget I said that- I didn't mean it-" He's turning away and making his way to the bedroom, his face a bright red as he seemed to be hiding his face in pure embarrassment.

Sitting in a bath in such proximity to Namjoon? It sounded dangerous. "I- uhh-" you take a deep breath and grab onto his shirt. "The tub is big, right?" Your eyes are shy and you're barely hanging on to his shirt.

His eyes find yours and he looks taken aback by your answer. He's crouching down to be face to face with you like the gentle giant he is. "Are you sure?"

He's a respectful person, you know he wouldn't do anything without your consent and much less when Chanyeol is in the same house. You look down at the floor, your eyes hovering over the paint-stained socks. "Yeah," your voice is small due to the seriousness of the situation. "I'm sure... are you?" Your eyes look back up at his.

He blinks and a smile finds his face. "I'll go run the water." He looks at your hand that held his shirt, waiting for you to let go. "I'll let you know. Yeah?"

You lift your hand, letting go and letting him do what he said he'd do.

Now you were left standing in the living room, alone to panic.

What did you just agree to? Why did you say yes to this? That's too fast, too soon. You walk around in circles in the living room while playing with your hair in a small state of panic.

A sigh slips past your lips and you plop down on the couch with a small pout on your lips. It's not that you were upset with the decision you made, you could always step back but you started to realize how risky it would be.

The tub was big, yeah, bigger than an average tub, but if you sit and think about it, Namjoon is tall, does he actually fit in the bath? The two are bound to touch- that means skin to skin. Your head could literally explode on the spot.

You sat there in silence, not saying anything and playing with the buttons of the controller. Minutes went by, your brain went over everything that could go wrong during this time and by the time that Namjoon was standing by the door with a shy look on his face, your heart started beating a thousand miles per hour.

"Hi," he smiled, his hands fishing in his pockets. He walks near you, putting his hand out for you to stand.

When you were pulled up, your body was pressed against his and your breath hitched. "Hi.." you smiled softly, licking your lips that had become dry due to the nerves.

The two of you look at one another and don't speak much. "I can get in first, if you changed your mind, that's completely fine."

You bite your bottom lip and nod. "I- I don't mind. I was about to ask you the same thing..."

"Yeah, alright. You, you wait here, alright?" You step by the door and watch him walk into the bathroom, not closing the door behind him but only leaving it a little open. The splashing of water followed and you kept your eyes on the floor without a further word until you heard him clear his throat. "You can walk in," his voice echoed off the bathroom walls and you peek in.

He's sitting on the tub awkwardly, his arms resting on the side of the tub as he looks nervously at the abundance of bubbles.

You close the door behind you and smile nervously. Your socks instantly get wet and that's the first thing you remove. "Can you... can you cover your eyes?" You noticed he is still able to see from his peripheral until you step in the water that seemed to have enough bubbles to reach Namjoon's chest.

The Babysitter - knjजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें