Chapter 54 - Beauty and the Beast

Start from the beginning

"Now!" Hyde orders, and they both rush towards Krueger, and Hyde smashes his fist against his head, whereas Pyrrha slides under his legs and she slashes across his back, since the torso is still the weakest place. She jumps up and kicks her body off the wall with her leg and she lands on his back as Hyde pounds his fists over and over again into his chest. Until Krueger just punches him square in the chest which throws him back. Pyrrha now hooks Milo under his chin and she pulls him back, pushing her feet against his back as she pulls her spear back with all her might, gritting her teeth as she does it. Krueger roars with rage, reaching up as he tries to grapple onto the young woman.

Hyde stands back up and sprints right at Krueger once more, firing Vulcan Nox into his chest with every single attack that he makes, blasting shells into his aura. Flashes of dark purple aura burst from every single punch made into him. Krueger snarls, reaching back and grabbing Pyrrha by the leg. He swings round and smashes her back straight into a Pillar, making her shriek in agony, falling to the ground with her aura considerably weakened from the process.

Jaune spins around with widened eyes when he sees her hit the floor, then sees Hyde pressing both hands to the horns that protrude from the man's head. He holds the charging monster back, but his eyes are focused on Pyrrha at all times. "Go! Help her!" Cinder orders, as she spins round to cross her swords over to stop the attack from Bonnie as she lunges out at her from the water. Jaune nods, turning to sprint towards Krueger, to assist her brother as well.

Or perhaps her brothers.

Jaune draws Crocea Mors as he rushes towards Krueger as he smashes Hyde out of the way, and he reaches to his back and he draws his burning mace, swinging it straight at Jaune with all his might. The young Arc Huntsman deflects the attack of the mace, sparks and bursts of fire erupting out from the attack made against him, pushing him back, but Jaune is smart so he slowly walks out and he kicks a door open behind him, and they both end up walking across a stone bridge that moves between a deep chasm of dust beneath them. Glowing red, green and blue Dust Crystals protrude out from the stone walls of the chasm where the wind howls into them from beneath.

Clearly this must have been a resource that the Schnee Dust Company would have wanted to utilize if it were not for the Political Issues of mining here. Not like it matters anymore, though – the S.D.C is not what it used to be. Jaune continues to back up from Krueger as he aggressively swings that Mace at him over and over again, shattering the stone bridge that they fight atop of. Smashing the cobblestones apart from every swing, he then takes the mace and slams it down towards Jaune.

He lifts Crocea Mors and stops the huge mace with both hands, being brought down to one knee. Krueger grits his teeth together venomously as he pushes him down with that mace. Until Hyde leaps it from out of nowhere, tackling the Rhinoceros Faunus off the edge of the bridge, and they both crash against the many other bridges in here, clearly used for mining. Krueger tumbles across the stone and Hyde reaches out, grabbing onto the edge to swing himself back onto it. Krueger's eyes widen as he sees his Mace plummet off the edge of the bridge, consumed by the dark haze beneath them.

He sighs with anger, his head hitting the stone, pushing his body back up slowly as Hyde stands before him, and Jaune jumps down behind him, sheathing Crocea Mors into the scabbard. "There doesn't need to be anymore bloodshed – just give up." Jaune orders, unaware of what happened between Fennec and Ruby above. Krueger chuckles menacingly as he turns and looks at both of them, Hyde not as willing to let him walk away.

But Hyde trusts Jaune's instincts, so he does not say a word, but is ready to engage if Krueger tries anything.

"After everything? You think I'm gonna let you Humans walk away?" Krueger questions with a deep snarling voice. Hyde raises his fists as he stares him down, stern burning eyes glaring at him.

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