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Birds peacefully tweet in the trees of mistral twelve years ago. The sun shines bright above the bird as it hops around on the tree branch of which it has made its home. Colourful feathers cover the bird's body and it looks around, gleefully tweeting as always as it wanders around. It hops off the tree and flutters down towards a little girl who sits beneath the tree and it looks at her. She gasps, her large eyes widen with green irises inside. She has a short red pony tail and adorable plump cheeks. She wears a little dress that is red, similar to her hair and she looks at the bird as it looks at her. Shy, she seems to not be with her friends as she floats a small piece of metal before her.

The girl is Pyrrha Nikos when she was a child.

The bird flutters away however, when there is a crashing sound in the woods and Pyrrha gasps after she hears it. She stands up, scared that it could be a Beowulf or other Creature of Grimm. Her hands are shaking and she watches the bushes of which she heard the crashing sound.

Suddenly something erupts from the trees, another young girl with brown hair, making a squeaking squeal as she leaps out at Pyrrha. Pyrrha screams with fright, staggering back as her friend made her jump. Her friend giggles immensely, her hand on her heart as she steps back, whereas the heart of Pyrrha is beating a million times a minute. "Don't do that!" Pyrrha begs, breathing erratically to calm herself down, hand pressed against the tree she was sat by.

"Why aren't you playing with us? Why are you just hanging out by this tree on your own?" Her friend asks Pyrrha with either concern or judgement. It is hard to tell with children, especially for Pyrrha since she has always had self-confidence issues in her life. She holds her pony tail shyly and looks at her sister with puppy eyes.

"I...I just wanted to be alone for a bit..." She timidly says to her friend and her friend looks at her with furrowed eyebrows. But then she shrugs it off and walks closer to her.

"Hey! Guess what we found out about, though?" Her friend asks her and Pyrrha raises her brow curiously.

"What is it?" Pyrrha asks.

"This guy – he lives out in the woods and he is offering to tell people their futures." The girl explains and Pyrrha still looks a little less ready to be sociable in this sense. She takes a step back and she looks away.

"Um..." Pyrrha nervously says.

"Come on! Don't you wanna know?" The girl asks her with an excited tone to her voice, bouncing on the spot.

"What – What if I don't have a good future?" Pyrrha asks her with fear, scared of her own future, a point that no child should usually be afraid of. The girl gives Pyrrha a smile, at the time her friend looked prettier than Pyrrha but that is only due to the amount of makeup she is wearing, and the fact that Pyrrha is wearing none. And she still looks adorable, and she still wears her crest that she wore to this day as well.

"But maybe you could have a great one! Maybe you will marry a handsome young Knight and have his babies! You could be rich!" The girl elatedly says, clearly showing what she wants out of her own future, and it is ironic that the loving a Knight part came about, since she fell in love with Jaune Arc. Not exactly a Knight per say but he is close enough to one. "Or maybe you will have a boring future – you'll never know until you speak to the guy." The girl says with a shrug.

Pyrrha, still apprehensive to the idea looks away from her friend and looks up at the little bird that flew down and looked at her. The bird is a little robin and it tweets to her, like she has been given a choice. Meet the Clairvoyant or stay with the Birdie. And unfortunately for the Robin, she gives into Peer Pressure and meets with the man that can tell her what future awaits her. The Robin calls out to her, as if to beg her to stay and not to go. But Pyrrha walks with her friend to meet the Soothsayer.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 3 - Shattered MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now