Chapter 22 - Atlesian Corruption

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Oscar darts back to the building where he left Yang and the others, the wind rushing into them as they stand there. Yang staggers back, her long locks of golden blonde hair blows from the gust that was thrown straight into her. She looks past the sand that was kicked into her, and she gasps, seeing Oscar holding Ruby in his arms. Blood leaks from her shoulder where Neo managed to stab her with the Umbrella that she wielded. Yang gasps with fear, and runs to her side, looking at her and she looks at Yang. "Hey..." Ruby exhaustedly says to her, even though the wound is not serious, Yang is very protective over her. And very worried, since she was attacked by something.

Little did they know that Salem was over there.

Oscar sets Ruby down on the sofa in the corner for her to recover her strength and her aura to repair the damage to her shoulder. Most likely healing into one more scar that she can add to her collection. She has made a fair few in recent years. Yang crouches down beside her, everyone crowding round to make sure that she is okay, Weiss still feeling guilty for how she treated Ruby. "What happened? Are you okay? Who the hell attacked you?" Yang excessively asks with bursting wide eyes, Ruby laughs softly at her defensiveness.

"I'm fine..." She softly promises with a little smile on her face, Yang looks at her with frustration; her sister always pulls that face to try and get out of a position of being in trouble. She uses that face and her sad puppy dog eyes act to make her feel bad, and even when she is twenty one...she still manages to melt Yang's heart.

"Hey, don't try won't work!" Yang stutters, trying to stay strong against it, but Ruby just beams an even bigger smile, her eyes nearly shut from her cheeks rising up. Yang stands up and walks away, beaten by her baby sister who is claiming everything is fine. "Damn it!" She exclaims with defeat, stepping away from her, Oscar sees her and he walks after her. He did not forget what he saw, more than Neo is on his mind. Yang turns and hopes that he won't pull the same thing.

"Neo attacked her; I think she still blames her for what happened to Torchwick." Oscar explains, and Yang looks at her, seeing Weiss talking to her. Most likely apologising for what happened earlier. Yang sighs, remembering the vengeful girl who was the Onyx Phantom once before.

" she is still kicking." Yang says, for she also has a bit of a rivalry with the small woman as well, after she was one of the few people to actually beat her in hand-to-hand combat. Nearly killed her...if not for the Knight of Fear scaring Raven into saving her life that day.

"She wasn't the worst part." Oscar says, crossing his arms as he stands by the pillar, and Yang raises her brow with inquisitiveness.

"What was?" Yang inquires, Oscar looks at Ruby and then at Yang.

"Salem was there, and she has been out there for a while by the looks of things." Oscar reveals and Yang steps back with shock when she hears the name.

"Salem?" She gasps with fear, the very name she bares is haunting enough. They always suspected that she never died when Ruby shot her in the Volcanic Chain Isles; she just vanished into thin air after she was knocked loose from where the Relics were. Perhaps it would have been better for the island to have consumed them...but Kragen demanded that they be kept in their hands so they know where they are. "So she's still running the show..." Yang says, looking down at the floor as she thinks on that.

"I don't think she is...I doubt she ever was in full control. Or at least maybe she never realised it." Oscar explains to her, and Yang looks at him, hearing him out on this theory he has come up with. She already knows what he is going to say, but that does not make it any more spine-chilling when she hears him confirm it.

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