Chapter 13 - Indigo

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Weiss, Winter and Neptune jump out of the building that Nebula fell from, seeing her land on both feet, hiding the pictures away in her breast pocket, winking at Neptune. She then turns and sprints away from them. Winter snarls and pursues before her sister and Neptune can even chase after Nebula. She keeps on sprinting away from Winter and then the doors open, Nebula looks at the people on the other side and points at them. "Kill them!" Nebula orders, and there are more Acolytes of Lien.

One of them is a massive Juggernaut Soldier, his huge suit of armour stomps into the lobby with a massive chaingun built into the left arm. Missile and Mortar Pods in the back as it is read to unleash hell and a huge mechanical fist that has a Chainsword that can form from it. They have to stop when the soldiers emerge, along with a couple of Seekers as well as the Juggernaut, and a Tremor Trooper. The Tremor Trooper slams his powerful piston powered gauntlets together over and over again, creating powerful shockwaves. Neptune sighs. "Crap." He groans when he sees the soldiers stood there, the Juggernaut loads the chaingun and aims the many spinning barrels towards them.

"Capture the Schnees!" The Juggernaut orders through the voice disguiser. They are definitely working for a certain someone, the question is – is he the Trinity Marshall? Winter and Weiss stand side-by-side as they both form glyph barriers that deflect the bullets whilst Neptune fires his rifle at them from behind. He rolls aside and he charges the electrical energy from his fingers and into the rifle, powering it up all the way. The blue dust inside glows brighter and brighter, then he spins round to fire.

One of the Seekers abruptly rushes towards him, slamming his fist upon Neptune's jaw, knocking him off his feet. The Seeker stands next to him afterwards, then grabs him and at that speed, throws him straight into a Soda Machine, crushing the metal and causing it to fall towards Neptune. He groans with pain, and he looks up to see the machine about to fall onto him, and his eyes widen. Weiss gasps and she projects a Glyph that catches it, allowing him to roll out of the way, he then spins round and kicks the Seeker across the helmet. The Seeker grunts, staggering away from him, then proceeding to draw his sword to swing straight at him with a powerful yell. The red blade thrashes towards him, and he holds his rifle up, stopping the sharp blade in its tracks.

Weiss turns and she screams with pain as the Juggernaut grabs her and lifts her off the floor with its massive hand, throwing her into the ground with force. The impact nearly destroyed her aura, but it did not thanks to Winter creating a bubble around her that protected her. Winter yells with rage, leaping towards the Juggernaut with both swords extended, stabbing them into the back of the Juggernaut. The pilot yells with anger as he staggers back, releasing Weiss. She gets up and gets punched in the chest by the Tremor Trooper, the impact is loud and powerful, the shockwave shatters the windows and she flies across the room, smashing through one of the doors. Weiss rolls the impact off, sliding her free hand across the floor, Myrtenaster held behind her back as the Tremor Trooper runs towards her with a couple other Grunts. Weiss grits her teeth hard, and she takes one of her crystals of fire from her belt and she sprinkles them, igniting flames across her finger, then she forms a glyph that turns orange from the reaction of the red dust embers. She fires a couple of firebolts towards the grunts, hitting some of them in the chest, burning through the armour that they wear. The Tremor Trooper stops and looks at their bodies, then at her.

She stands tall, proud and proper as she smiles at him. She has become a lot more confident than before, and the Tremor jumps in the air, slamming his piston gauntlet into the ground with all his might. The floor buckles and cracks, dust bursting from the chasms created from the impact, and she helps as the impact's shockwave sends her flying up in the air. The Tremor goes for a second attack, but Weiss creates a Glyph in the air behind her, shooting directly past the Tremor Trooper, and landing behind him. She stabs Myrtenaster into his back and the soldier roars with pain as she punctures the dust backpack that powers his gauntlets. Orange dust vents from the machine on his back and he swings round to punch her, but she slides under his attack, and then slices across his leg to bring him down to one knee. The Exo-Suit that he wears hisses after she severs one of the carbon dioxide pressurized pumps in his legs to help him jump high. All Acolytes of Lien have those to give them similar superhuman abilities that the Huntsmen and Huntresses have that make them superior to them in every way.

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