Chapter 14 - The Trinity Marshall

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Her large blue eyes are focused on the purple car that Nebula just stole, she is speeding away down the motorways of Vacuo to try and outrun them. She is swerving through traffic, keeping her eye on the mirror to see them behind her. Winter swiftly drives after her, weaving through the cars right behind her. The tyres screech, smoke billowing from the friction of rubber on tarmac as she pursues the car, trying not to hit the other cars around them. Neptune hangs on, feeling like he is being thrown back and forth in the car. "We can't let her get away with those pictures!" Winter tells them, with a real sense of urgency in her voice as she pursues Nebula, Weiss looks at her sister with a bewildered expression. She has so many questions on her mind at this very moment – what is she talking about? What could possibly be on those pictures to be so important? Has she not even noticed that Neptune and I are with her and nearly got killed a second ago?

This isn't the time, let's catch that traitor.

The car dodges past one of the cars, and she looks back at them as she takes out a grenade as she drives. Nebula slams her foot down onto the throttle, driving as fast as she can, accelerating at some speed. He holds the grenade in her hand and smirks as she engages it, throwing it backwards out the window. The grenade flickers red as it bounces towards them, Neptune's eyes widen. "Grenade!" He calls out, picking his rifle up, and he opens the door, holding onto it as he holds his rifle in one hand, aiming it directly towards the grenade as it rolls towards them. He fires, a bolt of blue dust focused down into a shell, impacting the explosive device and exploding upon contact. Flames accompanied with shrapnel and smoke burst from the spherical shell that was released from her car, and she continues to drive as fast as she can.

"Looks like she doesn't wanna make this easy." Winter scoffs as she drives faster, Weiss looks at the speedometer and her eyes widen at the speed that they are driving at. Weiss has always been bad passenger in cars; she has more anxiety around that than anything else.

"Uh, Winter, at this rate we're gonna be in a high speed collision." Weiss warns, holding onto the side.

"Yeah, I heard those can be bad for you." Winter replies sarcastically, then Weiss hears the excited cheers from Neptune as he holds on. He on the other hand is loving it, holding onto the side of a car and shooting at grenades that she is throwing from her car to take them down.

"This is so awesome!" Neptune cheers with joy and she rolls her eyes, Winter looks at her sister with a chuckle.

"Well – at least someone's having fun." Winter comments as she continues to drive as fast as she can. Nebula looks back and she grits her teeth with anger, still seeing the Schnees and the Vasillias behind her in their car. Nebula grabs her radio and she turns it on.

"Guys! I need help!" Nebula calls, completely unaware that the rest of her team are dead. She only hears static coming from the other side and then she groans with anger, until a distorted voice appears over the radio, speaking directly to her.

"Agent Violette, what is the issue?" The metallic distorted voice questions, the same one that was heard speaking to the's the Trinity Marshall. Her eyes widen when she hears his voice, her voice trembling with fear, and then she answers as she realises that Neptune has begun to open fire at her now, not the grenades she was throwing to deter them.

"I'm in pursuit; your Mercs didn't kill them!" Nebula exclaims as she drives as best as she can through the traffic. There is silence from the other end for a couple moments, until the Trinity Marshall responds to her.

"Understood, reinforcements in the area have been informed." The Trinity Marshall assures, and then the radio feed is cut off. She looks at it and then throws it into the passenger seat next to her, keeping her eyes on the road. Winter grits her teeth, squeezing the steering wheel hard as she pursues, until of the buildings explodes. The gates to the building are blown off as a group of Armoured Acolytes of Lien Trucks burst from them, soldiers inside, one of them has a mounted machine gun that could utterly shred their car to pieces. Winter groans with frustration when she sees the colour scheme on the trucks as they drive towards them, smashing cars out of the way and into other lanes, creating accidents. One of the cars smashes into another so hard that the front is sheered clean off by the other, tyres squealing as they spin and flip across the road. Chunks of metal broken off, tumbling across the road.

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