Chapter 38 - The Test of Love

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Crowds of civilians walk in herds through the streets of Mistral, some with hoods pulled over their heads, others not. Amongst the crowd is Winter Schnee, not wearing a hood and Blake Belladonna beside her, wearing the black cloak and hood pulled over her head to hide her face from the people. Blake keeps her head low so then nobody passing by can recognise her face, and Winter walks next to her, head held high to make sure there are not enemies in their way.

The young Belladonna has her hands hidden in the black cloak that she has been wrapped up in like a baby, one hand close to her back in order to draw Gambol Shroud if things start to go down. Winter has her small blade that disconnects from the main one in her hand, hidden up her sleeve as she walks beside her friend. Blake can overhear the conversations that are happening around her, some of them make her feel sick in her stomach. "Did you see the broadcast?" One of the civilians asks.

"Yeah, there's a reward for whoever captures or killed Blake Belladonna for what she did to Sienna Khan." The other civilian confirms, almost with excitement. Blake and Winter both carefully look around, there are signs everywhere that have Blake's face on them, but none say anything about Winter. The disguise is working, and luckily nobody appears to have any beef with Winter Schnee. There are lots of civilians loading up rifles as well, even some that are beginning to wear more and more Acolytes of Lien clothing.

The Acolytes of Lien have suddenly gained a huge amount of soldiers in the span of a few hours because of that broadcast and the amount of money they have available to pay. Now that they have taken over Atlas, and perhaps even Mantle, they own a massive portion of Remnant's money. Lots of people are going to join for that reason alone, and it has never been clearer than here in Mistral as so many people are joining up.

Winter's eyes dart up to the sky upon hearing the sounds of roaring engines flying overhead. As she looks up, she gasps with concern as Acolytes of Lien shuttles and Bullheads fly overhead, all marked with their colour scheme and markings of their insignia on the side. Armed to the teeth with Dust Ammunition filling the weapons ready to fire at will. There are even Acolytes of Lien Sharpshooters walking around the rooftops.

Winter looks ahead and whispers to Blake. "After everything we did to protect Mistral...we're back at square one." She remembers, the presence here five years ago was massive of Acolytes of Lien. Then it was silent, just the Mistraalians and the commerce running strong, the Mercenaries had not been seen since the fall of the Volcanic Chain Isles. Now they know why – they must have been planning this as soon as the islands were destroyed. They have managed to invade the infrastructure of the Kingdom with ease, the Mercenaries were probably here all along and nobody noticed, they were just blending in until ordered otherwise.

"If you find this woman, please detain and turn her in immediately." An Acolytes of Lien Captain requests through a loudspeaker, walking back and forth on a stage that has been raised that people are crowded before, listening to his words. There is a Juggernaut-Class Acolyte stood beside the captain, looking through the crowd to see if he can find her, and a Seeker with his Submachine Gun in his hands.

They will be a threat; they are not on the best terms with the Mercenaries and will spot Winter immediately. Winter looks down and swiftly dishevels her hair, letting the long white locks of hair hang down the side of her head. She also pulls out some makeup from a kit she has on her, and she swiftly puts some of it on, just to disguise her face some more but not too much. Whereas Blake just keeps her head down, staying as close to her friend as she can. "Stay close to me." Winter whispers, looking so much more different now as she walks, not looking directly at the Captain who speaks to the crowd.

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