Part 29

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Y/N: Who is it?

Hyunjin: Not Hyunjin, Felix, and Jisung?

Y/N: I'm not going to school.

Jisung: Is it what happened yesterday at lunch? Were so sorry.

Y/N: It wasn't that.

Felix: Is it what happened after that? For example, the conversation with Jeongin?

Y/N: How do you know about everything? First the rose and now that.

Felix: Jeongin told us the conversation. Was it that?

Y/N: No.

Hyunjin: Is it Jeon-

Y/N: No? Not really him....

Jisung: Is it what he said?

Y/N: Fine enter.

You open the door and they enter your dorm.

Jisung: Did you even eat yet?

Y/N: Y-

Felix: Liar. No dishes are touched since I see them all COMPLETELY dry. Your sink is dry. You didn't eat. Since...yesterday?

Hyunjin: Y/N, we talked about you not eating. I have to take care of you when your aunt and hanah and your uncle are away at Japan.

Y/N: I can take care of myself.

Hyunjin: Did you sleep in your living room?

Jisung: Did you even sleep?

Felix: Did you sleep when you were studying?

Y/N: I'm not going to school.

Jisung: Talk about it.

Y/N: Jeongin told me that we are strangers and always will be. He walked away from me telling me to walk away from everything that we had done together. He said he didn't want to be seen with me. Well partially said that. I am not going.

Hyunjin: I don't care if you are or aren't.

Jisung: You're going whether you like it or not.

Felix: You're Welcome.


Chan: Beach this weekend!! Meet outside the dorm gates.

All: Ok.

Chan: Pack clothes!


You all met at the dorm gates and went to the beach which Chan had already booked a house for everyone to stay in together. Everyone was in the same route to get there and the same car. You and Jeongin haven't talked to each other since the day after the dance even though you both were deskmates. You all arrived at the beach.


Everyone runs to the water and plays around. Both you and Jeongin forget everything for a moment. You get out of the water and walk along the beach.

Jisung: Wanna look at shells with me?

Y/N: Sure.

Jisung: Is something bothering you still?

Y/N: No. (He looks at you) Yes.

Jisung: Wanna talk about it while we look at shells?

Y/N: Please.

Jisung: Go ahead. I'm listening.

Y/N: How do you know you like someone?

Jisung: You just know. It's like a connection. There's a certain feeling you feel around them. You get flustered, your heart races sometimes. You just know even if you think you don't.

Y/N: How did Felix know about the rose?

Jisung: We cant speak about that. We know who put it there and they put it there for a reason.

Y/N: ok... Why can't i talk to Jeongin?

Jisung: Look at that sand dollar! (He squatted and picked it up) Look at it.

Y/N: It's pretty.

Jisung: Take it. (He handed it to you) You know...It showed up the moment you said Jeongin and it was in front of you.

Y/N: I've never seen a heart-ish shaped sand dollar.

Jisung: What did you ask again?

Y/N: Why can't i talk to Jeongin??

Jisung: Who was the someone you like?

Y/N: J-

Jisung: Write i like you on this. Confess to Jeongin.

Y/N: I didn't even finish saying who it was.

Jisung: I don't care. I know its him. His words hurt you, which means you liked him because you didn't want to forget all the memories you had made with him. You listen to him but act like you don't because you don't want him to know. You get flustered around him all the time. I know you.

Y/N: I hate you.

Jisung: You love me.

Y/N: Fine. I'll do it.

Jisung: Good gorly.

Y/N: Don't call me girly.

Jisung: Fine. Bye bye Me and Felix are making a castle.

Y/N: Il come in a bit.

You went and grabbed your bag. You pulled out a sticky note and a pen. On the note you wrote "I like you Jeongin". You stuck it on the shell making sure it won't fall off. After you went to help Jisung and Felix with their sand castle.

Y/N: I'll get water for the moat.

You leave to get water.Felix placed your sand dollar with our message to Jeongin onto the castle without knowing anything was written on it or that it was yours. Jeongin comes to see what you all were doing.

Felix: Look at our castle.

Jeongin: Pretty. Can I see that? (He points at the sand dollar)

Felix: Yeah.

Jeongin takes the sand dollar and holds it.

Jeongin: Can I keep it?

Felix: I guess?

Jeongin leaves.

Y/N: Here's the water. Where's my sand dollar?!

Felix: Uhhhhh...

Y/N: Felix Yong Bok Lee!

Felix: Jeongin took it...

Y/N: Oh My God. Great. Thanks a lot Felix.

Felix: Im sorry. I thought it was pretty so I put it on the castle and he came and took it.

Y/N: This Means he's gonna read what I wrote FOR HIM.

Felix: That's a good thing isn't it?

Y/N: No? I don't want him to know.

Felix: It had no name on it. Wait... DID YOU TELL HIM??

Y/N: Yes. That's why i don't want him to read it!

Felix: Sorry.

Y/N: Its fine. I should tell him anyways.

Just Friends?// Yang Jeongin (I.N)Where stories live. Discover now