Part 12

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You walk out of class and see Lua waiting outside of Hyunjin's class as you were going to the lunchroom.

Lua: You did tell him right?

Y/N: We are on a no speaking or interacting term right now so i told someone to tell him for me and he knows since i saw them talk.

Lua: We are friends right?

Y/N: Um. -This is so random. Is she and Hyunjin dating? No he would've told me. Why is she asking me? Does she like hyunjin? IS she using me for Hyunjin to like her?-

Lua: It's okay. You don't have to say yes. You are friends with hyunjin though right?

Y/N: Y-Yes.

Lua: You seem unsure. Is it because im suddenly asking you all this? Im sorry. I just started hanging out with Hyu--

Y/N: It's fine. I'm fine. Yes me and Hyunjin are friends. I--(You fell since a crowd "walked over you") AUh!

Lua: Are you okay? (She offers a hand for you to get up) People are a bit crazy.

Y/N: I know. (You take her hand and get up)

Lua: Your hands are freezing?! Are you sure you are ok? I can take you to the i--

Hyunjin: Ready? (He looks at you for a few seconds then turns back to Lua) I'll meet you there.

Lua: No. Im coming. Sorry~

Y/N: Its fine.

You walk away from them and go to lunch alone.


Lua: Did you guys fight? You two are usually so loving towards each other.

Hyunjin: She wanted to be alone so we aren't on interacting terms anymore. Dont worry about it.

Lua: She seemed so scared of me. Is she scared of me?

Hyunjin: No. At least i don't think so. She isn't really scared of anyone unless you sneak up on her. For as long as i've known her she became a bit more strong and "mean" once she started living alone.

Lua: She just started living alone though right? I heard she just moved into the school dorms.

Hyunjin: No. She's been living alone for the past...5 years i think. She lived with her aunt for a year i think and then her aunt moved out, so since then she has been alone.

Lua: Where are her parents?

Hyunjin: Busan, her hometown. She doesn't like to talk about this.

Lua: Im sorry. It's just since we are hanging out i want to know her too. She is a friend of yours and knows a lot about you i can learn more about you too by being her friend.

Hyunjin: She has some thick skin so it's going to take awhile for her to accept you as a friend. Plus you are also very popular at this school and not to forget she is not one of the populars at this school and she hates hanging out with populars since the crowds and she will be followed everywhere she goes with them. Thats why im not able to talk to her.

Lua: If only we had one of the same classes so i can know how good she is at the subject.

Hyunjin: She has dance with us. She is "better than me" I was told.

Lua: Then I wanna see how good she really is then.

Hyunjin: Do you think she doesn't want to hangout with me anymore because she is annoyed of me?

Lua: Did you guys make a deal or something to come to this conclusion?

Hyunjin: She told me if i passed my tests with her tutoring then we won't be able to talk to each other or interact.

Lua: How bad are you at the subjects?

Hyunjin: Not that bad. Only about C average in some of them.

Lua: I think she was hoping you wouldn't pass these tests since your grade is down there.

Hyunjin: But i passed?

Lua: Hyunjinnie. She made this deal with you to see if you can pass. She still loves you thats why she made this deal thinking you wouldn't pass. If you did she would be proud of you for being capable of getting better grades. That's the reason why she did this from my thinking.

Hyunjin: But-

Lua: Hyunjin she wants you to be proud of your accomplishments. All you have to do is to let her be alone for a week then it's back to normal. Plus she might want some alone time from you since you two are always together and you know how quickly rumors spread.

Hyunjin: I guess you're right.

Lua: Anyways I think i have a plan into making people not hate her for hanging out with one of the populars and things like that. She has to become a popular herself and the whole school with stop with this treatment. She might hate it but as i know, right now people are loving her.

Hyunjin: Why do you say that?

Lua: Her style is changing. Although it may take time for her to not seem so aggressive.

Hyunjin: But that's who she is. Why would she want to-

Lua: You've known her since she moved here right?

Hyunjin: Ye-

Lua: Then is this really her? Is she actually aggressive and strong and brave? Is she actually able to put up with all of this hate? All of the negative things she is getting? Is it actually her or is she just putting on a mask and hiding her true identity?

Hyunjin: She has changed since i've known her and she is still changing. That is just who she is. She is strong. She is brave. She is aggressive to only those who mess with the ones she loves. That is who she is.

Lua: Maybe thats who you think hyunjin. She's able to fool us all with her mask and she is trying to be all of this. We all don't really know until she throws away her mask. We all have had a mask before. In fact i'm wearing mines right now. I am not popular. I don't like being popular. This is why i want her to become popular so she can change the way people look at us, at her, at everyone. She is the only person who can make me feel like myself if she becomes popular. Just for even a day. Just think about it.

Hyunjin: Is this all you wanted me to meet you on the roof for?

Lua: No. I heard you said you would go on a date with this girl?

Hyunjin: What?

Lua: I bumped into Y/N and this girl came up to me saying that you said yes to a date with her?

Hyunjin: When?

Lua: Today.

Hyunjin: Ughh. That girl who came up to me. I was on the phone and I planned to give Yuqi a note to Y/N for me and I said "Yes. I'll see you later." I didn't know she was talking to me.

Lua: That means you just planned a date with this girl who you've never met before. Good luck.

Hyunjin: Wha-- *Camera snapping noises from afar* Whos there?

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