Part 16

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Jaemin: Y/N?

Y/N: Nana. What is this drink?

Jaemin: Not something you should be drinking. Why?

Y/N: I don't know? I'm going outside. Ok?

Jaemin: Y/N! (He takes your hand) Careful. You almost walked into a plant.

Y/N: Im fine. (You take another sip of your drink finishing it up and walk out)

Jaemin: Y/N. Who gave you this?

Y/N: Umm? NaNcY?

Jaemin: Great. Be careful. I'll get you some water.

Y/N: OK~

He walks away going to get water and you walk outside and sit at a seat next to Jeongin.

Y/N: HI.

Jeongin: Hi.

Y/N: Do you know?

Jeongin: Do i know what?

Y/N: I. (You faint and you hit Jeongin's arm lightly and rest your head on his shoulder when you fainted)

Jeongin: Y/N? Hello? (He moves his hand in front of you) Why didn't Hyunjin hyung come today? I'll take you inside. (He gets you to stand up and still rest your head on his shoulder and walks you inside)

Jaemin: What happened to her?

Jeongin: Nothing.

Jaemin: Here's her water.

Jeongin: Thanks. Cool party. Um she has to go somewhere. Uh. Yeah.

Jaemin: I can walk her out.

Jeongin: NO. Its fine. I got it.

Jaemin: OK. Bye.

Jeongin: Bye~

He walks you a few feet away from their dorm and sets you down on a bench.

Jeongin: Why aren't you careful? *Deep Sigh* You're lucky Hyunjin and Yuqi weren't there. (You wake up) Y/N? Are you ok?

Y/N: Im fine.

Jeongin: Here. Drink some water. (He hands you the water and you drink it)

Y/N: What happened?

Jeongin: Things. Come on. I'll take you home. It's getting late. Wear my jacket.

Y/N: Thanks. (He puts his jacket on you)

Jeongin: Can you walk properly?

Y/N: Yeah. (You get up from the bench and start walking wobbly)

Jeongin: Let's not risk it.

He gets you on his back and walks you to your dorm. You fell asleep on his back while going to your dorm.

Jeongin: Y/N?

He noticed you had fallen asleep. He walks to his dorm and goes inside with you still on his back.

Hyunjin: Uh-

Jeongin: I'll explain later. Let me put her to bed.

Hyunjin: But there's no beds available.

Jeongin: Can she sleep on your bed? You can sleep on mine and i'll be on the couch.

Hyunjin: Sure. Remember to explain later.

Jeongin: Yes.

He brings you to the room where Hyunjin sleeps and set you on Hyunjin's bed and placed a few blankets on you.

Jeongin: Good night.


He walks out the room turning off the lights and closing the door.

Hyunjin: Explain?

Jeongin: Someone gave her a drink.

Hyunjin: Like water?

Jeongin: I don't think so. She came up to me at the party and started talking but fainted before she finished.

Hyunjin: Is she clueless or something?

Jeongin: Don't say that. I think she probably just thought it was water or juice or something.

Hyunjin: Why would she drink so much of it?

Jeongin: I don't know. Just don't tell anyone.

Hyunjin: What about the members?

Jeongin: They'll find out she is here. Just say she left her keys at home so we let her stay here. Don't let them know.

Hyunjin: Fine. How was the party?

Jeongin: OK. Why didn't you go?

Hyunjin: *High pitched* "Hyunjinnie oppa~"

Jeongin: There wasn't that much of that. Everyone there was cool with each other. Even Y/N.

Hyunjin: She did it.

Jeongin: Did what?

Hyunjin: Made everyone equal. By her becoming "popular" people stopped looking at us as if we were stars and now see everyone equally. 

Just Friends?// Yang Jeongin (I.N)Where stories live. Discover now