"I-I don't know..." I shuddered.

"You do know Jacob. You haven't been returning anyone's phone calls, text messages, and you didn't even stop by." Zonnique intimidated me.

"What is going on!"

"I can't tell you."

My body tended up, while I ran my fingers wildly through my curls.

I haven't even been keeping up with my hair lately, I don't even know what to do with myself anymore.

"Answer me Jacob!" Aubree cried, shaking my shoulder.

"Please stop..." Tears welled up in my eyes, trying to escape.

"Bree, calm down-" Aubree cut off Zonnique.


"D-danger?" I asked, rubbing circles into my stomach area.

They started to look at me funny, so I halted in the gesture, and placed my hands into my lap.

"He can't live without you Jake.... He won't eat, sleep, or do a thing if he isn't near you. Or at least speaking to you... Chresanto could be dead by now....."

I saw Aubree cry to herself.

"The day before Christmas Eve, Chres told me that you were practically his life. Literally. And that he can't ever seperate himself from you. He wouldn't be able to function. He would go crazy, everything...."

"And Chres is a man by his word."

Hearing that made me scared for him.

And for the life of this child inside of me.

The tension and the stress isn't doing any good for me.

"Before he met you Jacob, do you know how many family problems we had?! How much anger issues Chresanto had? He wasn't only outgoing, but Chres did a lot of crazy things.."

"Please, just tell me some insight on where he could be? His room was trashed, and he even broke his phone."

My bottom lip quivered, hearing all of this new found information.

I have to tell someone about what happened.

And about my child. We'll... Our child.

But at the same time, I couldn't speak.

I felt like my mouth was seen shut, feeling as if I was muted.

I couldn't even mouth the words that I wanted to say.

"I'm sorry, I wish you the best of luck. Bye." I opened the door, running out the Closet.

I then ran down the hallway, and out the double doors.

Fuck school, I need to get my life in order.

My eyes focused on my surroundings, while I stomped on the ground beneath me.

It was snowing, and there's was piles of it all around me.

Snowflakes ended up sprinkling all over my hair, as I walked around in the parking lot, finding my Jeep.

My Ma got me a car for Christmas, and payed the first Car Payment for me.

So that means my ass needs to find a job, for real.

I hopped in, and started the ignition, as my Infinite CD started to play.

Flipping over to the station instead, of course I can't escape the torture of this wigga.

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