Homecoming and a few surprises

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Homecoming arrived, and I told my parents about who I was going with to the dance. They had their reservations about Keith. I said to them it was fine. I was going to a school dance and coming home. I just wanted to show everyone I was not a loser and that I could get at least one date.

I finished getting ready as the time drew near. Coop decided to head out and meet with the others. He offered to give me a ride to the dance, and I declined. These people have no faith in the concept I was going to Homecoming with a guy.

Once I put the finishing touches on, I came downstairs and waited. I had a few minutes to spare. There was a knock at the door and dad answered it, for it only to be Uncle Gavin and Uncle Ty. No biggie. Keith would be here, I was sure of it.

There were more knocks, and more adults arrived as I waited for Keith to show up, but he never did. I stood there, looking at the door while they looked at me.

"Andi?" Dad said, as I stood there.

"He's coming, he's just running behind," I said quietly.

They all watched as I waited, but I knew deep down, he wasn't coming. I didn't want them to look at me as an epic failure. I mean, who wants to admit their kid is a loser when it comes to dating? I just stood there waiting for someone to show who never would.


We arrived at the dance and people were dancing. When Coop arrived, I asked him where Andi was? He told me she was waiting on Keith. The only thing was Keith was already at the dance, hanging with his buddies.

"Please tell me he didn't stand her up," Marta said to us.

"Not only did he stand her up but made her look like a freaking joke. That's cruel," Casey added as anger fueled me.

"This is why I told her I would bring her. I don't like that guy," Cody remarked.

I looked at Cody, "funny coming from a guy that told her he didn't like her. Did you honestly think she would jump at a chance to attend a dance with someone that helped land her in the hospital?"

He turned to me, "at least I was honest with her, unlike you who confesses one minute, then decides to backtrack."

Cody was starting to piss me off royally.

"Before you two dinks decide to throw down, you may want to consider the fact he's here, and Andi is still at home," Casey reminded us as he got in between us.

Before I had a chance to react, Coop already did as he walked over to Keith and promptly laid him out on the floor.

"That's for standing up my sister, you piece of shit," he barked as he strolled back over to us.

"Leave it to Coop to take action," Marta commented as we stood there still trying to figure out what just happened.

"Now that he's taken care of, how about you go get my sister and show her why she isn't an epic loser?" Coop ordered me.

"He's right, Brandon. Stop being scared and show her how you truly feel," Casey advises me.

I knew if I didn't do this, I would regret it later and the worst thing you can have are regrets. I left the dance and went to my car. I got inside and drove over to her house. It was now or never.

It was almost nine, and I hung my head down. Once again, I was terrible at love. Something was seriously wrong with me. I decided to give up. Why bother? It's not like anyone will ever prove me wrong.

I turned to see everyone standing there.

"I'm just going to go up to my room," I told them as my parents looked at me concerned. I started for the stairs when there was a knock at the door. I stopped in my spot as dad walked over and answered it.

I turned around as Brandon walked inside.

"Brandon, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," he answered as he closed the distance between us until he was to me. He grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss, taking me completely by surprise. I tensed then relaxed as I kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync as he deepened the kiss while the adults looked on with smiles.

Dad walked back over to mom as they watched Brandon show his affection towards me.

"This seems familiar," mom whispered to dad.

"A good familiar," he replied as he looked at her with a smile.

Brandon broke from our kiss and looked into my eyes, "every girl should kiss like it's the last."

"That makes absolutely no sense," I told him.

"I'm trying to be romantic. Don't ruin it, woman," he smirked as I laughed.

He chuckled as he removed his hands from my face and made his way to my side. He interlocked his hand with mine as he led me out of the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To homecoming, because no beautiful girl should sit home in a pretty dress," he answered as we walked to the car. He opened the car door, and I got inside as he closed it behind me. He walked around to the driver's side and got inside. He pulled away from the house as he drove back to the dance.

When we arrived, he got out and walked over to my side, opening the door. I stepped out as he held out his hand to me. I didn't hesitate to take it. We walked hand in hand into the dance. As soon as we entered, he led me to the dance floor, pulling me to him. We started dancing, and I just stared at him in awe.

"I thought you were over," I said to him as we danced.

"I was never done, I was scared. I didn't want to put myself out there, only to be disappointed again and again. The thing is Andi, no matter how much I tried to walk away and shield my heart, I never could. The truth is I've been in love with you a long time," he confessed as I looked at him.

The thing about Brandon is I knew he was truthful with me. He always has been. Now it was time, to be honest with him.

"When I was in the hospital, I had time to think about things. That's all you do when you're in a place like that, is think. Through my therapy sessions, your name kept coming up. I didn't want to admit it before, but I will admit it now. Brandon, I've always loved you. I was just afraid if I admitted my feelings to you, you would decide I wasn't worth it is broken," I admitted to him.

"Andi, you don't ever have to worry about that. To me, it doesn't matter whether your broken or not, I love you just the way you are, cracks and all," Brandon told me as we continued to dance.

I'm glad Keith stood me up tonight. Don't get me wrong, he's a schmuck for doing so, but he did us a favor. Tonight I learned my best friend loves me for me and always has. It might have taken me some time to get here, but I made it, and for once, I was happy.

Nothing could ruin this feeling, well, almost nothing. I had a feeling someone would do everything in their power to destroy our happiness. The thing about people is they can be very unforgiving which we would find out soon enough.

Get ready because someone is going to set out to wreak havoc with Andi, sending her on a collision course of sorts. The question is, will Brandon be able to save her from herself?

It's going to take a lot of help to everyone for this to happen.

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