"Come on. Let's go get coffee." I picked up his hand and swung it as we walked.

"I love you so much, Daniel." Phillip smiled brightly at me.

"I know. I love you too." We arrived at the Starbucks near the Richard Rogers and Phillip asked if we could go see his Tio.

Of course I said yes so 5 minutes later here we are, coffee in our hands and wandering through the theater.

"Phillip!" A girl with straight black hair ran towards him.

"Hi Tia 'Nessa." Phillip smiled and hugged her. I awkwardly stood to the side and watched. "Oh 'Navi is gonna be so happy, he misses you guys. How is Angie?"

"She's good. Pregnancy is taking it's toll though on her."

"I was like that when I had Laura but it's worth it and your gonna be an uncle." The girl ruffled his hair. "So who's the hottie?" She teased.

Phillip’s POV
"Tia, this is my boyfriend, Daniel. Daniel, this is my Tia Vanessa." I introduced.

"Ooooo! He's a nice one." Daniel wrapped his arm around you waist.

"Well, Phillip deserves the best." I blushed and Tia 'Nessa laughed.

"Benny and Nina brought Gabi in today." My eyes lit up. "Come on, I'll take you to them."

She lead us down to Tio Benny's dressing room where he was playing with his newborn daughter on the floor. "Someone decided to pay us a visit."

"Phillip. What's up?" Tio Benny asked.

"Not much. We were over this way and I wanted to say hi. Can I see her?" He nodded and I walked over.

I sat on the couch and he placed her in my arms. "Oh my god. She's so cute." She yawned and reached for my nose.

"Wow, you're good with kids." Daniel sat beside me, his arm still around my waist. "Look at her eyes." He smiled.

"Can you watch her while we have rehearsal?" Tia Niña asked as she walked in the room.

"Of course." I responded.

"Thank you so much. Diaper bag is on the couch and there are bottles in the mini fridge. If she gets fussy she might need a nap. She naps a lot. Also play with her. We gotta go, bye!" Tia Niña said.

I rocked Gabi. "Hi cutie." I smiled. I got up and bounced her in my arms a little. 

"Could you imagine us in some years? Standing in a nursery, holding our newborn child." Daniel looked at me and Gabi. "You'd be such a good dad."

Daniel is the only person I want to have a future with. George and I never got this serious and I'm glad. "I love you so much."

Daniel smiled. "I love you too, baby. Can I hold her?" I nodded and placed her in his arms. "Oh god. She's gorgeous." Gabi giggled.

"She likes you." Daniel kissed her nose.

"I like her too. I'm gonna steal your nephew when he's born." Daniel chuckled.

"No." I growled. "He's mine."

"Actually he'll be Angie's." Daniel stuck his tongue out at me. I smirked and bit it. "Ow! You jerk! You're gonna get it when we get to your house." He growled seductively.

God did that turn me on.

"She likes you so much she fell asleep." I pointed to the sleeping baby.

Daniel put her in the pack-in-play and kissed her forehead. "If your Tia needs a babysitter, tell her to call me. She's such an angel."

"Got it." I smiled and kissed him softly.

Time skip

A few hours passed. Daniel and I played with Gabi, fed her, and changed her. Tia Niña came and smiled seeing us playing with Gabi.

"How was she?" Tia asked.

"She was perfect." Daniel answered. "Can I keep her?"

Tia Niña laughed. "No, but you could babysit." Daniel grinned widely.

"Yes!" He said happily. I smiled and gave my aunt her child back. "It was nice to meet you. But I gotta get Phillip back home."

"Oh you're such a sweetheart. Bye boys."

We said goodbye and left. Daniel pushed me in the backseat of his car. We had parked in the back of theater where no one else did.

He furiously kissed me, running his hands up and down under my shirt.

"Mhmmm~ Daniel. Can we wait till we get home?" I moaned as he sucked on my neck. "Car sex wouldn't be very comfortab-oh my god!" I screamed when he bit down on my sweet spot.

"Are you sure you don't want this now?" He palmed me with pressure as he spoke.

"Let's just go home." I bit my lip. "Please."

"Okay." We both got in the front and he started to head towards my house.

God I could not wait to get home.

Hiiiiiiiii. How is everyone? Thank you guys for being such supportive readers, it really means a lot to me! So I'm working on finding a face claim for Daniel so stay tuned for that. I'm trying to move as quick as possible cause I'm really excited for Angie's birth and all. Until next time, au revoir my beautiful turtles!❤🐢

*unedited 2/10/19

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