When they're jealous (Ethan)

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(This series will be taking place in a pre-apocalyptic world type of AU.)

     He felt his arm suddenly droop down as you sleepily hugged it and leaned in; not that he minded. The soft pitter-pattering of your feet on the sidewalk kept you in a rhythmic peace. The fresh pollen filled air tickled your nose while you took in the park's garden. Eventually you guys found your usual bench after following the trail a bit deeper in. Ethan swung his practice bag down onto the table with a dull thud and sunk onto the stiff long seat.
    You started contemplating how tired he must be from practice and couldn't help but feel bad for taking him out here; although it was his idea. You stood over his slumped shoulders giving him a relaxed light massage while you took in the scenery. He let out a grunt when you first began, but by the way his head was starting to drop you knew he wanted you to continue. Your eyes wandered across the pastel pink sky and followed the clouds down to where the sun was beginning to set. Random ripples would shoot through the large lake and sent the suns reflection shaking over each wave. Given the atmosphere it wasn't at all long until your exhausted boyfriend found himself fast asleep, face resting against the coarse table.
    Placing a gentle kiss to the top of his head you skipped off into the sand, some pumpkin seeds in hand and chanting louder than intended, "Ducks. I friggin' love ducks." In honor of the bats vine. Ethan's eyes drift open slightly, shaking his head with a smile growing across his face. He notices another man starting to approach you from across the sandy platform, though shrugged it off rather fast. He didn't much like the idea of treating you like property that no one else can interact with and made sure to let you know through his actions; yet he did keep his eye upon the handsome man.

  A hand placed on the small of your back startled you and you frantically flew away in the opposite direction. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought you might like some company while feeding the ducks, they tend to get nasty sometimes."

  Blatantly embarrassed and uncomfortable you try to cough away the feeling, "I've never really had a problem with them, but it is a public place so I can't really tell you to go away now can I?"

  The guy, you soon learned was named Chad, let out another chuckle as he sat beside you in the sand. You stayed trying to focus on the cute ducklings waddling about your feet and sides as you gently fed them, but you were wary. Every time you scooted away, he'd scoot an inch closer until finally you sent a instinctual look of distress to your now aware boyfriend. You knew he wasn't big on confrontation so you were surprised to see him approaching so intensely. His eyebrow was twitching by the time Chad placed his hand on your bent bare knee.

   A lightness was felt as you realized you were now on your feet with his iconic half blue-and-black jacket resting over top your shoulders. "It's starting to get cold, I'll walk you home." A man of few words, but you were completely aware why he chose the ones he did. To the point, non-confrontational, and soft.

"Hey, I don't know who you are, but the gal and I were having a nice time and I'm sure I can handle walking her home myself."

"Actually, you don't know either of us and my girlfriend obviously isn't enjoying her favorite place being tarnished by some stranger trying to get in her pants." He paused to search your eyes to see if you were okay before continuing, "We're leaving, but word of advice: Don't be that fucking guy who tries picking up girls when the feeling isn't consensual or mutual, creep." With that the man stared up in shock and your fingers felt Ethan's soft calloused hand slide into yours.

Starting in the other direction it finally hits you that he gave his jacket to you and his bare arms would now be completely exposed to the cold. Trying to protest and take the thing off to give it back only resulted in his arm wrapping around your shoulders in comfortably tight hold and pulling you closer. He argued this position would be enough to keep him warm on the walk home, but as his nose turned redder by each passing minute you knew you'd soon have to take care of a sick boy.

The rest of the walk continued on with expansive conversation. He may seem quiet, but when you talked to him anything and everything was open for discussion.

"Y/n, for the last time aliens' reason for not coming to earth is not because they somehow witnessed today in the locker room when you accidentally sniffed your dirty gym socks."

"No, Ethan you don't understand. That was prime moment to prove myself to them. The turn of the century was at my fingertips and the moment my sniff made contact with the toxic radiation known as my gym socks, I was a goner. All hope lost in that moment. Bystanders were disgusted, my peers were disturbed, the aliens hated me, but most importantly I hated myself." Not knowing how the the train of conversation derailed so far the two of you laughed at the stupidity.
"Hey, Ethan?" His expression spoiled to something more serious at your tone of voice. "I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me when I didn't know how. Plus managing to always put my mind at ease with nonsense talk like a moment ago."

He nodded into your hair as you gripped him in a hug. Soon after your feet hovered above the ground and he nuzzled his face into your now easy to reach neck. A smile painted your face as well of hues of red that would cause an outbreak of jealousy in the tomato community. Once you found yourself planted back onto the concrete you securely grabbed his hand pulling him towards you're front door.

"Woah now." He easily stood still as you found your strength values to be unbalanced. "I know you're parents like me, but no one would accept us to hang out this late."

You sighed, but couldn't help finding the nervous expression so cute on him. "Ethan, we've been having sleepovers since we were kids, get over yourself. Besides they aren't home didn't you see the missing car." His whole face and even to his ears flushed at your comments. "I-I didn't mean anything silly by it so get your thoughts together. I just want cuddles and I'm getting them, plus you're obviously getting a cold so no way in hell am I letting you finish walking home in the night. Please come inside?" No answer was given except for him moving up the stairs towards the porch.

The man can't resist cuddles, 'who in their right mind would opt out of cuddling someone as adorable as you' was one of the many things running through his brain. Making the approach up to your room he let out a sudden shocking laugh. Squeezing your hand as an apology he began to explain.

"Honestly, I've been thinking about this all day since we left. I feel sorry for the poor bastard who ever tries to steal Lawrence's partner. The kid radiates big yandere vibes."


[I'm super self-critical of my writing, oops. Anyways, hope this one turned out to y'all's liking. I tried to make his a bit more reserved since he's the type I personally think; I think though as soon as he notices you're uncomfortable he'll be more confident in order to protect you. ]
P.s. Whenever you guys compliment my writing skills I just really take it to heart. It's such a blessing to hear those types of things when they're genuine and not forced bc it's so pure and gives me the confidence to keep improving and writing. I'm really just trying to say a big thank you 💕

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