When they're jealous (Zion)

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This series will be taking place in a pre-apocalyptic world type of AU.

Another typical day of class was ticking by, a monotone lecture setting the tiring atmosphere. You looked up at the teacher and nonchalantly slumped back in your seat, hoping to catch a better view out the window. Nothing really caught your eye off guard, the same dreary trees blowing in the wind. It wasn't hard dazing off and allowing yourself to be absorbed by your fleeting daydreams. You were just in the middle of thinking 'what would I do if an apocalypse hit right now?' Then the feeling of a persistent jab at your ribs called you back to reality.

Slowly turning your heavy eyes to your right you see your boyfriend with the most obvious pout displaying across his face. Your lips beginning to crack into a smile that you knew would just make him more annoyed, but you couldn't help it when he looked so cute.

"I've been poking your side for the last three minutes, Airhead. The bells going to ring soon so I don't know if I'll have enough time to fully explain now." He paused casting a stressed glance towards the clock and huffing. "Anyways, I have to see some people at lunch so I can't hang out today." Your smile faltered a bit, but you were still happy to see Zion trying to expand his friend group from just you.

"Sounds like a plan to me then, but I'll see you after school for our study session still so don't look so grumpy." The bell rang out giving you a sudden jump.

Everyone scrambled to get out of the proximity of the droning teacher and towards the sweet victory of lunch break. You managed to sneak in a quick kiss on a blushing Zion's cheek. In a flustered state he practically tripped frantically out of the classroom. You looked at the lunch box that still sat atop his desk.

'This absolute buffoon.' You thought to yourself before picking up the light container. Of course you knew he could just easily buy a new lunch, but you wanted to make sure he at least didn't get this stolen. You made your way to the cafeteria and towards his usual spot. Hoping to just pop in, drop it off with him, then go hang out with Judy, but all you saw was a group of guys at the table and an empty seat.

Audibly sighing you approach the group, "Heyo, so sorry to bother you, but I'm leaving something here for my...friend." The words escaped your mouth awkwardly, not really sure what to say since you and Zion were keeping a moderately low profile about the relationship.

A green haired boy with an art kid aesthetic spoke to you first in a more than flirtatious tone. "Dang, how is it that Zion finds a way to befriend you? I mean the kid has no medical knowledge and surely that must have hurt." Everyone peered at the kid with confusion. "I mean falling from heaven must have hurt so bad, but I hope you feel better now." A charming but goofy smile was flashed in your direction making you flush with embarrassment.

"That was as cheesy as moon conspiracies and smooth as sandpaper, but thank you I guess." You both let out light awkward laughs before you continue. "Besides the point, I just have Zion's lunch to drop off since he's forgetful, then I'm heading off so don't worry about me."

The green haired kid just smiles again, hand under his chin like he's daydreaming, "Well I'm worried and if you'd like I could hangout with you for lunch today, I'm sure Zion wouldn't mind."

"Actually I would mind, seeing as how I don't trust any of you flakes around (Y/n)." You felt a familiar pair of arms pull your back to his chest, knowing it was Zion. "Especially when you're hitting on my oblivious fuckwit of a partner." He laughed, though he soon felt the sting of your hand after you lightly smacked his arm.
"Well if you'll excuse me gentleman, I think I've had enough of your faces for the day." He said in a tone that only those close to him knew was playful. "And you, stay out of trouble broccoli boy." He ruffled the dudes hair a bit before leading you into an empty hallway.

You immediately start to explain why you had gone to the table, making sure he knew you weren't the type to not respect his boundaries. He chuckled under his breath watching how cute it was when you waved your hands through the air with the story.

When you were finished he spoke again, "Maybe I should leave my lunch behind more often so I get to see you more, but...I really don't care if you come see me whenever, I just don't trust any of those guys around you; though now they know you're with me. Oops, I guess that means I can do things like this now." You were in complete shock when his rough, but gentle kiss hit your lips.

You quickly pushed him off of you since you were still in school. He just shrugged it off with that smirk you've grown to love, "I guess I'll just have to sneak more kisses in at my house when we study later." He shot a wink your way and all you could do was drop your head to hide the growing blush.

[Yo, sorry if any of this is poorly put together I literally just wrote this on zero sleep to make sure I got actual content out today. I'll proofread it later after a nap. Thank you for being so kind, love you guys :)

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