Love language (All)

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[These are just my headcannons for the characters, but I'd love to hear yours. Also there's only five love types: Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. That being said that means there's gonna be slight "repeats"/overlapping.]

Harry's one of the softest of souls out there that you will find.
   Due to his past and memories of his father, he's since tried to become a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone, to make sure no one else feels how he did.

   When you're with him the way he expresses his love to you is through constantly reassuring you and cheering you on with words of affirmation. A trait he's picked up throughout his life. With you he's a bit more "aggressive" with it to make sure you know how valued you are.

When it comes to himself he'll try to play it off like his personal love language is Quality time. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely in second place for his actual love language. The thought of you being by his side, no matter what either of you are doing, brings him genuine comfort and reminds him he's loved.
   Yet, Words of affirmation is his true love language, even if he won't admit it.

He doesn't want to cause any stress to anyone or make people "go out of their way" for him so he won't directly tell you he enjoys your comforting words.     Although secretly every single time you comfort him, whether over something simple like spilling a glass of water to something bigger like his migraines or his insecurities, his heart swells and he's once again reminded that he'd go to hell and back to protect your love.

Ah yes, Eugene our favorite tsundere boy.
   He definitely enjoys a little bit of everything (cough the affection he desperately craves after consistently pushing everyone away, oops), but his love language I think would be Receiving gifts. Nothing too extravagant or out of the ordinary! Just small things or trinkets here and there to let him know you were thinking about him; even if that thing is a plush chicken with a pink butter knife, that you swear looks like him.

In return how he shows his love for you is through Physical touch. He doesn't enjoy a lot of public PDA, but if you are comfortable with it he shows you off a lot. Sometimes he'll just sit for hours playing with your hair, play with your fingers, etc. it's such a pure display of how much he cares about you since most times he doesn't even hug his family members.

Be careful though, if you kiss him at all after he displays physical touch, he'll most likely stop doing what he was doing and kind of naturally shuts down all his systems.

Big silent type, a strong sweet boy.
    The way he shows you he cares reflects that. He enjoys Giving small gifts to you when he can.

The two of you dating definitely brings out his conversational-side when you're around, but he's still not much of a talker. Even though he's the cool down-to-earth jock, he'd never had a relationship before you. So the words don't always come out right and they stress him out.
   By giving gifts, he's trying to convey to you all the pent up words he has inside in hopes you'll understand.

That being said his personal love language is quality time. He enjoys every second the two of you hang out. His favorites are playing board games, puzzles, or silently binge watching series together.
   Being around you, even when you both are in your own little worlds, keeps him centered and knowing that he has your whole heart as well. Taking away the insecurity that he might be boring to hang out with for too long.

Oh my gods, literally one of the shyest of gals. I don't think it's hard to assume what her love language would be.

   Words of Affirmation.

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