Eugene First Impression

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[Request from @srluvv , hope you enjoy! (Note at the bottom of story)]
Eugenes P.O.V

   Scanning the isles lazily with my eyes I already knew we had most likely cleaned out whatever was left in the musty store. Begrudgingly I dragged my feet to the last isle, practically giving myself whiplash after hastily ducking behind the shelf dividers.
What is she doing here?
I honestly thought by now from the lack of seeing any remaining human souls that the monsters out there were all that's left.

"Psst. PSST. Zion!" I whisper yelled to him as I slowly approached his back, "Don't look now, but there's some rando down the sweets isle." As I finish speaking Zion instinctively begins to lean towards the sight.
"Hey! I said 'don't look now', how dense can you get? Besides we should avoid getting involved unless absolutely necessary. Another mouth to feed isn't worth it." Zion gave a solemn nod and I lost myself to my thoughts.

   Did I really mean that? We could always use another hand for repairs and if it's someone as cute as them I don't think I'd mind- wait nope, nope, nonononono. What am I saying, am I going crazy in the claustrophobic place? Getting close only gives you one more thing to lose and I've already broken that rule with almost everyone at the school; I don't need another risk.

    Without warning an 'oh no' is thrown into the air as well as the echo of my heart  practically crashing. Light shouting was bounced throughout the walls calling for help. I could only stand frozen for only a second, blurs of blue jacket and light hair zoomed past shaking me from the trance. I followed in close pursuit of the tall Ethan and smaller Harry.

"This way!" Harry instinctively called, as I winced after letting a 'shit' slip between my lips louder than I had intended.


  The decaying slimy body slid off of Ethan's bat and crumpled into the floor. I scanned her subconsciously for bites before looking into her panicked eyes, my heart strings tugged towards her, but Harry could only speak for me.

"You alright?"

    She pauses for a moment glancing between all of us, "um, w-who are you?" God so cute. Wait no.

   I'm holding out my hand and turning my head slightly after becoming aware of the awkward stance. "Pfft. Shouldn't you say 'thank you' first?"

"Forget it we've got no time. We need to move." Ethan moves his familiar nod and Lawrence approaches closer repeating the question Harry had asked.

  When she's still understandably unresponsive Lawrences continues, "Let's get moving. They might come after us."

  "I think they are already after us." As if on cue groans and stomping feet could be heard approaching rapidly. "Sorry to do this....well actually I'm not." With that I gripped her hand and tugged following Lawrences directions.

I only crane my head back over them once, but instant regret rushes over me as my eyes land on our hands and her tired form. Without second thought my face snaps back towards my footing. I should be trying to focus on not tripping or the fact we're being chased by flesh-craving fucks, buut nooOo I have to get flustered because I'm holding this strangers warm, soft-GAH STOP THIS NONSENSE.

   Zion seems to notice my internal struggle and whips my arm, giving a passing glare that obviously meant a 'are you fucking kidding me' type of sentiment.

    Just as the zombie horde seems to double the friendly blue gates are finally within sight. I hear an 'oh please' muttered behind me and a squeeze in my hand sends a shiver down my body. She dropped my hand, which much to my dismay I felt my hand want to reach back out for theirs. I practically smack my own forehead in attempt to get over this frustrating fog in my mind. I notice the door isn't pushing open casually anymore as the newbie tries it.

   With a rough shove I realize it's stuck as well, "Damnit. I told you we shouldn't have gotten involved." I resent my own words once I see the grimace on the girl's face.

  Ethan flattens another beast that had been quicker than its team. A shadow passes my shoulder while I still am leaning on the fence pushing. Before I know it the metal separates sending me tumbling onto the ground with something falling right on top of me. I can hear the others calling to each other and closing the gates, but I'm too preoccupied with the sight that I am blessed with after the wincing was over.
    We were face-to-face, I could feel every inch of them pressed up against me as their eyes met mine. I could tell her flustered cheeks only mirrored mine, yet I couldn't help but give a wry smile. "So are you gonna spend all day taking in my glorious face until we get eaten alive or are you going to let me get up so we can live to do this another time?" Playfully she hits my shoulder before her eyes go wide and they struggle to apologize.

  I had gotten up rather quickly without their help and rushed inside to let Harry chat them up. Pulling the mask back over my mouth hoping to hide the pink painting my cheeks, knowing the shit I'm going to get flipped later by Zion.


  Everyone from earlier had filed into the hallway doing a greeting ceremony feeling. I felt bad for my outburst only seconds ago.

"So why the heck did we even help her? You almost got us friggin' killed!"
"This is all bullshit."

I had tried to play it down by not using the harsher words I could've, but it still felt wrong to say, even if true. Should I apologize? Hell no, I'm not the type to and this chick isn't gonna be the one to change that pattern. I can't help feeling strange still, I mean fuck, even the way their name rolled off their tongue is so beautiful. I couldn't help but mutter it in order to make myself sure to remember it. I nearly lost my shit when they glanced at me smugly before finally giving a thank you to Ethan.
   How can one person radiate such pure and utterly precious energy, I want to protect that smile. Their hair keeps falling over their eyes in the cutest of manners this is absolutely ridiculous how stunning they are-

  "Er what my name? Man I'm not into this shit, knowing people's names ain't gonna keep them alive." I fucked up. I did it again. Oh fuck. I am a failure.

  I felt queasy underneath the glare Lawrence shot in my direction and my flawed mind. I let out an overdue sigh, "Eugene, don't get used to the sound. I'm heading off, don't stay long."

WHAT THE FUCK? I DID AN OOPS. I can't take it back now, it's too late aggh! I need to go and calm myself, please. I mean she looked so unphased, almost happy even after making a step to getting along with me. She's actually pretty bold and I don't think I'll be able to handle myself and these annoying actions my body is going through if they stay here any longer. Still, they're so incredibly-
S H O O K.
  I shouldn't have looked back at her, I-I swear that smile is going to kill me before the brutes outside do. This can't be any good, it's only going to cause me pain when I lose her to both the others or the monsters littering the streets. I guess I'll just have to keep up my asshole routine. I mean it's not like I'm not used to the backlash by now. I just hope to any of the gods that she doesn't resent me for it.

[Not my best work, but I've been running on low sleep recently due to nightmares and being an insomniac. The cut on my hand has gotten a bit better and thankfully they did these strips instead of stitches bc stitches are shitty. I want to apologize for not being active, I've been busy with work as well as trying to cope with pain in my hand so typing didn't feel great for a while there. Oh my gods though, 1k reads are you kidding me?! I'm so eternally grateful for all of your guys' comments and endearment, it means the world to me! I make sure to read every comment, I just don't always respond bc I'm terrible with thinking of what to say sometimes lol I hope you guys understand. That's practically all I wanted to say so if you read this thank you and I hope to start getting out chapters again soon 💕]

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