21 🦖

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To say I was simply shocked would've been an understatement. When did he learn how to write? How does he know what he even means? How did the scientist make such an intelligent hybrid?

I don't think he knows what he is writing. Maybe he saw something on the monitors behind the glass or something. I think to myself as there was no plausible explanation for him to do this. An animal that is known to write, even draw, or paint is elephants, but Levi has no elephant DNA.

"I don't know what you mean boy, but we need to get you back. I need to find the boys-" His loud, angry growl interrupted me. His lips were pulled back into a snarl as his eyes narrowed at me. Even if I couldn't see both properly as they were on each side of his massive head, I could still see the fury in them.

My body started to shake from fear as those almost glowing eyes were boring holes into my skull. He looked so ferocious just by growling. The recent memories of him roaring with fury as he ran after me and the boys frightened me even more.

As if noticing my frightened state he stops his angry growling and let out a whine followed by his reptilian purring. He laid back, now closer to me, and carefully placed his head on my lap no to break my legs from his weight.

It took me over five minutes to get my breathing and heart rate back to normal, but with his small cute noises, I was able to. However, I failed to notice one of his hands moving next to me, and one of his long claws hooking with my shirt.

"What?!" I screamed when my shirt was ripped, followed by my shorts. I tried no scoot backward, but my wounded back was already touching the rough bark of the tree. A warm liquid flowed down my back as I tried to understand what was going on. From the corner of my eyes, I could see my clothes hooked on one of his claws, almost torn to shreds.

His nose pressed against me and made loud sniffing noises while he smelled me. I could smell the blood was flesh stuck on the teeth jagged outwards of his mouth, and even see some clothes as I can only assume he ate someone.

"L-Levi, stop," I tried pushing him but of course nothing happened, he was pure muscle, and I was a normal human girl. "Levi no," I commanded but instead of coming strong and demanding it came weak and futile when he lowered his nose from my face and chest to my stomach. I had no idea what he was doing as he lowered and lowered.

I stood up and closed my legs as best as I could so he would stop it. He pulled his head back in surprise as I startled him and snarled. His eyes held hunger in them, bloodlust from all the killing from a few moments ago.

"No, you can't do that, bad boy," I scold him as I try to grab my clothes from his claws, successfully doing so. A loud whine came from him as he laid down in a submissive position to show he meant no harm. He never liked it when I told him he was a bad boy.

I took a look at myself, and I looked like I feel in a boar pit. My shirt was ripped, revealing my sports bra and my stomach. My shorts were not that ripped, but it was hard for them to stay on my hips without falling.

I knew I had to go and find the boys. I'm more than sure they made it out of the waterfall water body and ran somewhere. However, I needed to take care of the Indominus. He most likely killed people during his escape, almost managing to do so with Zach and Gray.

The pain in back grew as I moved to look for Levi. I couldn't see him as he left as I was in the middle of my thoughts, but I could hear his loud footsteps. I looked around and saw him on the edge of the waterfall where the boys jumped. His tail swished from side to side like the one of a cat when its somewhat angry.

He stood there using his arms to support himself as he leaned over the edge as I walked over to him. I was slow from both the pain and stress. Once I made it to him, I touched his arm to make my presence noticed.

He looked at me and leaned back as he made his usual gurgling noises as if nothing happened minutes ago. I didn't know what I should do; go look for Zach and Gray to make sure they are okay or get Levi to go back to his enclosure to see what happened and to get him locked up.

In my opinion what they do to keep such a big beast inside a cage where he already knows every corner and has his movements restricted. I think he feels free to be able to run around grass fields and between tall trees he never saw or been before.

I want him to have more freedom; I don't care if he an expensive asset, he was a caged animal, deprived of the rest of the world except for the blue sky. I want for him to run around, chase prey, and know what is it to live.

But before that can be done, I need to take care of two boys before they get hurt.

"What to do boy, what to do."


New chapter just for you guys!

Sorry if it was very short, I tried my best.

What should Bella do? Go look for the boys or make Levi go back?

The goal for the next chapter to be posted is: 50 votes and 30 comments.

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Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. 

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you next chapter.

Feb 10, 2019

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